What If...(Pt. 3)

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Your Parents Want You Back?


Ding Dong! Ding Dong! Ding Dong!

You couldn't take it anymore. You had been ignoring the lunatic outside of your apartment for 2 minutes and the person just don't know when to give up. Gosh! It's only 8am! You mentally groaned and peeled yourself away from Boros's arms and stomped towards the door. 

"What do you w- Mother? Father?!" You gasped at the sight of your parents. They still wore their white lab coats and geeky glasses even when they're out of their cave and their appearance constantly boggles you. How are they my parents? 

"VQ0-1, we need you to come home." Your mother announced. 

(*Note: Your parents call you by your experiment name.)

"What? Why? That's too sudden, Mother!" You argued back and your dad got in between you and your mother instantly. "VQ0-1, it's only for awhile. We just need you to test some upgrades." He persuaded. 

"I'm not going back, Father! And don't call me 'VQ0-1'! You two gave me a name." You shouted. Your parents sighed, knowing very well that you are an extremely grouchy monster if anyone were to wake you up early in the morning.  

"My Queen, who's at the door?" Boros yawned and dragged his feet towards you. You got out of your grouchy self and started panicking. "W-wait, Boros." But it was too late, your alien boyfriend appeared in front of your parents as he leaned his tired body against your small frame. You couldn't helped but smiled at him; but seeing your parents' stun reaction, you just realized two things. 

1. You have an (adorably handsome) alien living with you.

2. He is completely butt naked! 

"V-V-V-V-V-V-VQ0-1!!!! What in the neutrons is he?!" Your mother screamed.

"WHY IS HE NAKED?!" Your father yelled and nearly fainted.

After your parents calmed down, you brought them into your apartment and prepared tea while Boros sat by the table with your parents. You sighed when you saw your mother studying your now-armored alien boyfriend and your father just sat there, fidgeting and mumbling inaudible words to himself. "Mother, Father. This is Boros, he is my boyfriend." You introduced after pouring tea for your parents. 

"I-is he the one from that alien invasion?" Your Mother asked. 


Silence but Boros cut the tension easily. "It's a pleasure to meet my Que-[Y/N]'s parents. I'm forever grateful that such outstanding scientists had bear such a beautiful daughter." Boros said, being as smooth as Saitama's bold head.

Your mother blushed and pushed up her glasses rapidly. "Out-out-outstanding scientists, you say. Yes, out-out-outstanding scientists we are!" 

You sweatdropped, your mother is too easy to read. You knew that your mother likes Boros already. 

Suddenly, your father stood up and pointed his index finger at Boros. "DON'T GET FOOLED BY HIM, HONEY! HE IS AN ALIEN! AND HE MADE VQ0-1 SICK WITH LOVE ILLNESS!!! WE NEED TO DO A QUICK SCAN ON VQ0-1 IMMEDIATELY!" He screamed. 

And obviously, your father didn't like Boros at all but your alien boyfriend just smiled. He suddenly wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer to his solid chest. "I'm grateful but," You heard Boros's tone grew darker. "I don't appreciate you addressing my Queen with such an inappropriate name." 

You turned to look at Boros, your eyes glistering at his protective self. By now, your father had already passed out from seeing how close your body is pressed up against Boros's body while your mother cleared her throat with a visible blush on her cheeks. 

"Boros." You smiled, cupping your boyfriend's cheek and made him look at you. He smiled back at you and kissed the tip of your nose lovingly. 

"My Queen, after all, has a beautiful name." Boros said, more to you than your parents. 

"Well then, VQ-I mean, [Y/N]. If you don't want to return home, it doesn't matter. We brought the contents with us." Your mother announced and pulled out a small briefcase from her lab coat. 

"Just let us know the results after you tried the upgrades." Your mother explained and took out a large syringe with red contents inside which made Boros a little worried but you're used to it so you just shrugged it off. "It's better than going home." You sighed and brought your arm out for your mother to inject the red liquid. 

As your mother inject the liquid into your veins, Boros held your other hand protectively. It made you smiled and your chest warmed up with love. When your mother was done, she packed up and dragged your unconscious father out of the door. 

"Remember to tell us the results, [Y/N]. It's nice meeting you too, Boros." Your mother nodded and left, dragging your father home with her.       

When your parents are gone, you pricked your palm; curious about the upgrades and instantly, your trickling blood formed a revolver. "Oh my god! This is too cool! I can't wait to test this out!" You made your blood formed different kinds of guns you could imagine. 

Boros chuckled at your curiosity and excitement. He stroked your red locks to get your attention and you stopped experimenting to look into his beautiful blue eye. "My Queen, even without upgrades, I think you're still the coolest human being on Earth." He whispered before bringing your palm to his lips and licked the blood off of your palm. 

You swooned and snuggled against him. "Thank you, Boros. I love you." 

Boros tilted your head up to look at him and kissed your lips tenderly. 

Without you two knowing, Saitama crept behind his opened door and took a picture of you two.

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