What If...(Pt. 7)

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He Became Human?


Scenario: Boros went over to your parents' lab after seeing you fangirled over a male character in a Shoujo manga and he thought he had to be a human to satisfy you. He left without a word, wanting to surprise you but you thought Boros had left you for good. You were heartbroken from the emptiness that Boros left in your heart but after a week, Boros returned and found you inside a supermarket.

You gasped when a strong pair of arms wrapped around you, tightly and protectively. You're not sure who it was but from his scent, you realized that it was Boros. The tears pricked your eyes and the emptiness in your heart felt like it was about to explode. "My Queen, I've missed you so much." The voice cooed. You couldn't contained your tears anymore and you turned around quickly. 

Your eyes widened as your heart dropped. It wasn't Boros. This man was not your handsome alien boyfriend. This man is human who has shoulder length pink hair, sparkling blue eyes and his lips wore a loving smile as if he was in love. "My Queen..." The man's voice snapped you out of your trance and you quickly struggled yourself away from his arms. 

"Don't touch me like you know me." You scolded the man. 

"But my Queen-" Boros tried to explain but you cut him off.

"Don't call me that! Only...only my Boros has the permission to call me that." You turned your head aside and wiped off the tears that escaped your eyes. "Now, excuse me." Before you left the man alone, you saw the expression in his eyes and you thought he almost looks like Boros. I miss Boros so much that any pink hair guy reminds me of him! Get a grip, me!

Behind you, Boros stood stunned that his Queen didn't recognize him at all and that feeling of you walking away from him hurts too much but he has no intention of letting it go just like that. Boros followed you after you paid for your groceries and followed you all the way home. You were too heartbroken to realize that he was following you as your mind kept thinking about your sweet, loving boyfriend. You miss his warmth, his kiss, how his second eye would look at you when you two are making love and mostly, how he is always be by your side no matter what. 

Subconsciously, you opened the door to your apartment with teary vision. All those memories with Boros were too much for you to handle that you couldn't helped your tears from falling. He was your first love after all. Suddenly, you were pushed into your own apartment and someone turned you around while gripping onto your wrists so you won't be able to fight back. 

"My Queen." You came face to face with the man you saw in the supermarket and you struggled immediately. You started panicking when you realized you can't draw any blood with your hands held away from each other and your had no idea what this man wants from you. 

"Let me go! Let me go!" You screamed, trying to kick the man in between his legs but he pushed you to the ground, pinning you to the floor with his hands and legs. Boros didn't want to be forcefully with his Queen but he didn't had a choice, he needs you to listen to him before you can kick and punch him all you want. 

"Listen to me! Please...my Queen." Boros begged, his tone softened when he saw tears falling down your cheeks. "Please don't cry." 

"Let me go...Please don't touch me." You whimpered. "Don't call me that using my boyfriend's voice. Please."  

"But I am your boyfriend, my Queen. I'm Boros, [Y/N]." Boros firmly stated. You widened your eyes at him, part of you wanted to believe him but part of you had your doubts. You, after all, will not betray Boros no matter what. 

Seeing the doubt in your eyes, Boros quickly explained himself. He leaned down and snuggled his human face into the arc of your neck. "I'm Boros, your alien. You gave me a second life, you put your blood in me. It took me awhile to realize my feelings for you and I had to find my answers from a...manga? Remember how we made love when we finished killing the Queen from my planet? I explored both your sweet loving holes that night." 

You blushed at that memory and you wanted him to stop talking, his honesty was too much for you but Boros covered your mouth so he can continue. "I could go on forever about our times together but I want to explain myself, my Queen. I want to explain why I look human." You saw the man on top of you took in a deep breath, a hint of blush appeared on his cheeks as if he was embarrassed. 

"I went to your parents' place and asked them to make me human. I saw how you were so excited over a human man and I felt like my alien self was not enough to satisfy you. Is this not what you want, my Queen?" The man asked and for once, you took a good look at him. 

His pink hair was as soft as Boros's that you wanted to comb your fingers through them. His sapphire blue eyes narrowed in pain, just like how he had looked at you when you first rejected Boros. His voice was as soothing as your alien boyfriend's and after a little more concentration, you felt your blood flowing inside his human veins. 

It's really you. 

A smile started to form on your lips and you couldn't helped but let out a chuckle, even though your tears were still flowing down your cheeks. 

"Oh, Boros. You silly alien!" You laughed. 

Hearing that, Boros realized that you finally believed him and let you go. You sat up slowly and admired his human form. You admit, he's really handsome as a human and he could turn any heads of any girl but this is not the form that you fell in love with. You love your alien boyfriend, not the human version of him. 

Boros gave you a small smile and leaned down till his face was a few inches away from yours. You quickly pressed a finger against his human lips. "No kissing. I don't want to kiss the human you, Boros. I prefer the alien you. I love you for you are, sweetie. Don't ever change." You smiled sincerely at him. 

Hearing that, Boros quickly stood up and head for the door. "I'll be back, my Queen! I'm going to get my old form back!" You nodded at him and watched Boros leave but he stopped and turned back to look at you. 

"When I come back, let's continue from where we left off, my Queen. Please wait for me." Boros winked and you blushed instantly. Boros wasn't able to wink in his alien form and seeing that was kind of refreshing. 

You waved at Boros by your doorstep as he leaped into the air and Saitama walked out of his apartment at the same time. 

"Are you cheating, [Y/N]?" Saitama looked at you with a serious look on his face and you quickly explained yourself.

A week later, you were fighting a monster in City Y but you weren't doing so well. Suddenly, the monster jumped into the air to make a finishing blow on you but a sudden energy blast pierced through the monster and turned it to ashes. Your savior landed behind you and you saw Boros. Your strong alien boyfriend is finally back. 

"Boros!" You squealed and wrapped your arms and legs around him. Boros chuckled and hugged you tightly. 

"I'm back, my Queen."

"Welcome back, Boros." 

Without warning, Boros bit playfully on your ear and a moan inevitably escaped your lips. "Let's continue where we left off as promised, my Queen." Boros whispered, his voice was hoarse with carnal desires.

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