What If...(Pt. 5)

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You Turned Into A Kid?


A pair of innocent and hungry eyes had been eyeing your sleeping form for awhile. It didn't give any care to the blue skin alien that was sleeping beside you, all this creature wants is you. It flew quietly towards you and landed on your soft skin. The creature examined your skin that protects your sweet blood that flows in your veins. It couldn't take it anymore, he needs to feed. He needs your blood. 

(*Note: Could you all guess what bit you? ^^)

The next morning, Boros groaned as energy started to seep into his body. He turned his body to the side, wanting to give his Queen a morning hug before washing up but when he turned to look at you, your blood red hair was nowhere in sight. He looked down, only to see a small hump under the covers. Boros grew cautious and worried. He had no idea where his Queen had gone, all he could see was the hump that replaces where you were sleeping. The hump began to shuffle and Boros stiffened, growing dangerously scary and ready to hurt whatever was under the covers. 

The hump started to move upwards and not too soon, a tiny hand popped out of the covers and removed the blanket away. Before Boros's widened blue eye, a small little girl that resembles a lot like his Queen sat up and rubbed her eyes cutely. "Mmm? Good morning, Boros. What's wrong?" You yawned before smirking at the surprised alien. You were going to cup his cheeks and tease him till you saw the size of your hands. 

Your hands started to tremble dramatically as you turned them front and back countless times. They were no longer feminine and slender, your hands are now small and chubby like a little kid's. "Who are you, tiny human? What did you do to my Queen?!" Boros yelled, suddenly getting offensive. You fell on your bum, panicking. 

"Bo-Boros, it's me! [Y/N]!" You screamed in your child-like tone. "What happened to me?!" 

Boros narrowed his eye at you, the energy ball in his hand crackled dangerously. If he hits me with that, I will die for sure!  Then, with bigger courage, you raised a chubby hand towards him. "DON'T AIM THAT AT ME, YOU BAKA!" You cried and with your powers, your blood in Boros's body controlled him. You swung your hand to aside, making Boros's arm swung in the same direction that you commanded. 

The energy blast went right through the wall, leaving the wall completely destroyed. The two of you stared at the damage, awestruck. "Oh shit! Saitama-san is going to kill me an-an-and Genos-kun will start his 3 hours lecture!"   

As you continued to mumble, Boros lifted you up. You stopped mumbling and eyed your alien boyfriend. "Boros, what happened to me? I'm a kid again, aren't I? I can't feel my boobs." You started crying, grieving over the lost of the boobs you were so proud of. 

Boros started to chuckle, "My Queen actually bear my child." 

You gaped at him with disbelief. "Boros, I told you! It's me! I'm [Y/N]! Your Queen! Your Queen! Your Queen!" You shrieked, your child tantrums coming back to you. 

Boros brought your struggling mess into a comforting hug against his toned body, "I know. It was just a...what do humans called it...a joke?" 

"That's not funny at all, Boros." You pouted and as much as you were worried about your current form, Boros always has his way to calm you down. 

Suddenly, your alien boyfriend pulled you away and looked at your child-like features. "I'm sure Geryuganshoop can figure something out but the last time I saw him was during our invasion." You saw the conflicted expression in his eyes and you felt sorry for him, knowing that he probably miss his alien friends. 

You cupped his cheeks with your small hands and make him look at you. When he did, you pecked his lips. "I'm here for you, Boros." He gave you a serene smile and leaned in to kiss you but you quickly covered his lips with your hands. 

"Don't! I don't want my boyfriend to come off as a pedophile!"

"What's a pedophile, my Queen?"

Throughout the entire day, you stuck to Boros like a daughter to her father. Saitama and Genos even saw the two of you when you're about to make your way to your parents' place. Saitama took a picture of the two of you holding hands while Genos lectured you on the birds and the bees, thinking that you're really Boros's child. You couldn't take it anymore and threw a tantrum. You only stopped when Saitama handed you a lollipop. 

You and Boros continued walking to your parents' place and Boros just couldn't stop looking at you as you sucked and licked on the lollipop that Saitama gave you. You noticed him looking at you for awhile and turned to look up at your alien boyfriend. 

"What's wrong, Boros?" You asked, giving your lollipop another lick. 

Boros winced at the sight and swiftly picked you up. "I can't take it anymore." He whispered into your ear. He kicked the ground and the two of you flew towards your parent's house at immense speed. "Seeing you licking that thing, makes me want to impregnate you, my Queen. I need to turn you back quickly before I lose control." Boros's voice was hoarse which only made you blushed with excitement. 

"You've become perverted, Boros." You pouted and teasingly licked the lollipop again.


"They're moving out. I'm going to make that two move out!" Saitama groaned when he saw the destroyed wall. 

"I know they're horny but I didn't expect these in my calculations." Genos mumbled, eyeing the damage.


I have received a request for this story and I will fulfill that soon after a few chapters that I've planned out! Thank you for supporting my story!      

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