What If...(Pt. 2)

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You Two Played The Pocky Game?



You turned around to see Saitama returning from his morning grocery shopping. "Oh! Good morning, Saitama-san." You bowed to the bald hero. 

As a greeting, Saitama took your hand and placed a box of [flavor] Pocky into your hand. You looked at him, confused at his little action. "It's a free gift from today's sales. I don't like sweet things so you can have it." 

"Oh? Thank you, Saitama-san." You chuckled and accepted his gift before leaving to kill some monsters you were assigned to in City L. 

After accomplishing your mission, you grumbled at how much blood got onto your favorite shirt and wondered how Saitama and Boros never have such problems. "At least the Pocky isn't dirtied." You sighed and opened the door to your apartment. 

"I'm home." You mumbled, not expecting any reply back as you and Boros hardly see each other now after he became a hero but you're not complaining. If anything, you're actually proud of your alien boyfriend but today, you heard a reply.

"Welcome home." 

Your head shot up and you saw your handsome boyfriend. You ran up to him, wanting to wrap your arms around him but stopped midway, remembering that you have blood all over your shirt. Boros realized it too and chuckled. 

Slowly, he slipped his hands under your shirt and you shivered under his touch. Not seeing Boros for so long is making your body feels funny. As gentle as he can be, he slipped your shirt over your head, removing it before throwing it aside. Boros took a small step back and admired you in just your blood red bra and black mini skirt.

"My Queen looks so beautiful." He murmured, making you blushed intensely. Then, he noticed the box of [flavor] Pocky in your hand and asked about it. 

"Oh! Saitama-san gave it to me this morning." You explained and immediately, an idea came into your head. You've heard of the Pocky game in many tv shows and shoujo mangas and you've always wanted to try it out but that was when you had a crush on Saitama. 

You looked at the box of [flavor] Pocky then turned your gaze to your alien boyfriend and a playful smile instantly lit up on your face. "Boros, let's play a game." 

He cocked his head cutely. "A game?" 

You settled him down and explained the game to him. Boros just nodded at whatever you said though he wasn't really paying attention. His eyes were wondering all over your half-naked body and his mind was thinking of all the things he could do to you. 

After explaining, you opened the box and placed a [flavor] Pocky in between your lips before pointing the other end at Boros. Your boyfriend smiled lovingly at you and grabbed your waist to bring you closer to him. He placed your small frame on top of his lap as your legs straddled him. You gasped silently when you felt his erection brushing against your sensitive area. 

You started to blush and shivered in both embarrassment and excitement. This is suppose to be an innocent game. Now, I can't help but feel excited. You thought. 

Boros took the other end of the Pocky and bit into it seductively. Hesitantly, you bit into the Pocky and the two of you kept biting the Pocky stick till your noses started brushing against each other. Suddenly, Boros leaned forward till your back was pressing against the floor and his solid body pinned you down as he kept taking small bites on the Pocky stick. 

You can't take it anymore and swore that your racing heartbeat could be heard echoing in your apartment. You shut your eyes tight and as expected, you felt a warm softness on your lips. "My Queen." Boros's velvety voice filled your ears, making you opened your eyes slowly to see Boros with another Pocky stick in between his lips. 

"Another one." He smiled and poked your lips with the [flavor] stick. You cupped his face and brought him closer to start on the second stick. 

You knew his teasing would end up in something more exciting. I'm looking forward to it already.

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