What If...(Pt. 6)

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He Turned Into A Kid?


"Nnhm..." You moaned. 

Your mind and body were still in sleep mode but you couldn't control the moan that escaped your lips. You felt something on top of you and that something has small hands that kept squeezing your breasts. 

"Noo...Stop..."You moaned even more. 

"You're so soft, my Queen." A child-like voice flooded your ears, it was innocent and absolutely adorably groggy. Your tired eyes fluttered open and you peered down over at your bare chest. A mass of pink hair came into view and small blue hands groped your breasts, giving them a squeeze ever so often. 

Your mind wasn't awake yet but your body jolted up instantly. You prick your palm with your nail to draw blood and it instantly turned into a revolver. The thing let out a small cry as it hit the ground when you pushed it off you. "Who are you and what are you doing in my house?!" You demanded as you pointed the gun at the thing. 

The thing sat up slowly, its hands covered his forehead as it looked up at you. "Ow...my head. You're being too rough in the morning, my Queen." It said.

The gun slipped out of your hand as you came face to face with a mini Boros. His big blue eye looked at you in a puppy manner, his lower lip pouted and his small hands still held his bruised forehead. It was such a killer moe sight that you thought you could die of nosebleed any second now. 

"Bo-Boros?" You stuttered before realizing something. "Wait! Hold that position! Don't move!" You scattered to get your phone and quickly steadied your shaking hands to take a picture of baby Boros. "Kyaaa~" You squealed and held the phone to your chest while Boros still sat there, not moving. 

"My Queen, are you okay?!" Boros panicked and you turned to look at him, confused.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

"You screamed." Boros frowned, his voice gotten cuter when he said that and you quickly tackled his baby form to the ground. 

"You're so cute, Boros! I just want to pat you all day!" You giggled, locking him with your arms and legs. 

Boros turned slightly confused. He is okay with your happy reaction so early in the morning as you were normally quite the monster as soon as you woke up but he doesn't understand why you were suddenly twice or thrice the size of him. 

He squirmed in his locked position to only come face to face with your bare chest. He looked at them in awe, surprised by the fact that your breasts have gotten bigger in his eye. "My Queen, you've gotten big." He said as he fondled your soft lumps. You bit back your moan and pulled his hands away from you, "Don't do that in this form, Boros. It's not cute."

He cocked his head to a side innocently. "What form?" 

Boros stared at himself in the toilet mirror as you carried him up in your arms, hugging him like a teddy bear. "H-ho-how did this happen? That time you turned into an infant because of a mosquito bite but how did I become like this?" Boros whimpered. It was rare for him to whimper but the baby side of him came out unexpectedly, just like how you would throw tantrums when you were turned into a child. 

"It's okay, Boros. We'll find a way to get you back to normal but right now, you're just too cute that I couldn't take it!!!!!" You squealed before showering him with kisses. 

Throughout the day, Boros realized that you were softer to him in his current form and he made sure to use this chance to his advantage. 

"My Queen, please feed me with your milk." He said, looking at you with puppy eye. 

"No! I don't have any and it's weird to breastfeed my own boyfriend."

"Pweaseee, my Queen."

You blushed heavily, "Don't look at me like that!"

"Pweaseeee~" He doubled his cuteness with his big eye.

"Okay, fine!"

"My Queen, please bath me."

"My Queen, please kiss me here."

"My Queen, can I nap on your chest?"

"Let's play the Polky game again, my Queen."

"My Queen~"

You were on the ground, face flat on the floor. You were totally drained out and exhausted as you now realized how demanding Boros is as a child and you just can't say no to him. Every time you said 'no', he'll countered you with his cute child-like voice and puppy eye. You wondered what made Boros into a child as he shook your body for attention. 

"My Queen~let's play!" 

Suddenly, you remembered something. You jolted up, your fist to your palm when the memory came back to you. You almost forgot your dream last night! You dreamt that Tornado had spun Boros in the air with her physic powers and by the time she was done with him, he turned into a baby. It was such a weird dream but your dream has made your blood inside of Boros child-like and all you got to do was imagined him back to being big again. Thank you, brain for remembering the dream! You mentally thanked.   

But there's another problem, Boros needs to drink your blood to get big again. A little bit should be fine~ You smiled and turned to the child Boros who now sat with his back facing you, throwing his mini child tantrums because you ignored him. 

"Boros," You cooed. "I'll give you a snack." 

"I don't want it!" 

You started taking off your clothes till your top half is completely exposed. "You sure?" 

Your tone made Boros turned his head to look at you and saw your soft breasts being exposed before him. "I want it!" 

You chuckled when he tackled you. "Close your eyes, Boros." And he did. You made a small cut on one of your breasts and poked his lips gently with your nipple. Boros parted his lips and sucked on your soft lumps, drinking the blood as he did. 

Now, playtime's over, Boros! You smirked and pictured his handsome and strong self in your head. When you opened your eyes, you saw your alien boyfriend back in his original form but still teasing your nipple with his tongue. 

"Nnhm...Boros, stop~" You moaned. 

Boros opened his eye and saw that he was back to his original form. "My body is back to normal." 

"Yeah! You completely exhaust me when you're in your child form." You smiled victoriously.

"Hmmm~ But even in this form, I can still exhaust you, my Queen." Boros smirked confidently. Your cocky smile was wiped away instantly when you realized what he meant. 

Before you can even object, Boros pushed you down and cornered you to the ground. "Are you ready to feel completely drained, my Queen?" He whispered into your ear, making you blushed and ready for him. You were in heat again whenever Boros becomes dominant. Sigh~There's no end to his demanding side. You chuckled to yourself.

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