What If...(Pt. 14)

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You Swapped Bodies With Him?

Requested by 20173mychs :)

"Boros...Where are you?" You dragged yourself around your apartment, rubbing your eyes as you recovered from your sleepy state. You weren't aware of the deepness of your voice or the strong abs craved onto your body. 

Finally, through your drowsiness, you found a particular person in your bathroom. She had the same blood red hair as you, body figure, everything and she was staring at her reflection like a lifeless doll. Her eyes widened even more when she saw a particular alien behind her. Her body whipped around and stared at you. 

"My Queen..." Your voice escaped between the girl's lips. Hearing your own voice came out of someone else is enough to wake up every cell in your body. 

"B-Boros?!" You gasped and realized that your voice sounded different. It sounded deep yet gentle, innocent yet seductive. You sounded exactly like your alien boyfriend! 

You frantically looked down at your body to only see solid muscles and an embarrassing private dangling in between your legs. The eye on your chest looked back at you instantly when you stared at it, causing you to scream. 

"My Queen...Please calm down." Boros walked towards your frantic self. "This is kind of...what do humans called it, awkward?" 

"I find it awkward too! It's weird to look at myself like that!" You complained as your legs gave way and your hands instantly went to cover your dangling private. "It feels weird, Boros. Please do something about this!" 

Boros looked at you, seeing your personality take over his body feels really weird for him but he cannot ignore the fact that you're still his Queen. Determined, Boros cupped your face and make you look at him. "My...[Y/N], don't worry. I'll do whatever I can." 

You looked up at him or rather, at your own face looking at you. "You're not calling me 'My Queen'." You stated, feeling tears welled up in your alien eye. 

Boros looked away, full of guilt. "I'm sorry, my...[Y/N]. It feels too weird to call you 'My Queen' when you're using my body."

"Baka!" You yelled out in your newly deep voice. Seeing your alien body glow a brilliant blue, Boros instantly knew what's gonna happened. 

He raised his hands up in defense, "My Queen, stop! Please calm down or you might end up destroying the apartment." 

Without realizing your powers in him, your blood that still runs in his body complied to Boros's orders and you instantly calm down. 

"My Queen, please try your best to calm down. My powers are not something we should mess around with." Boros warned, resisting from cupping your face once more. 

"Okay." You whimpered and looked at him with your big alien eye. "What now?" 

"Let's just get dress and see what your parents can do about this, how about that?" Boros shot you an assuring smile. 

Throughout the rest of the day, you two were faced with obstacles one after another. 

"How do you wear this, my Queen?" Boros walked out half naked, still struggling with your laced bra.

"Ouch!" You groaned when your head hit the top of the door frame.

"Stop staring at My Queen's ass, human!" Boros growled at a passer-by who was leering at your body. 

"Arh! My Crepes!" You groaned when you squished the crepes in your hands from accidental strength.

"How do you fly, My Queen?" Boros struggled as he only managed to flap his blood wings once.

"WHOAAA!" You screamed when you took off with too much alien power.

Boros stared up into the sky where you have took off and sighed with a tired smile. "This is gonna take awhile."


Are you confuse? Because I'm confuse. 

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