Chapter 10

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Ross's Pov

The tears kept streaming down my face because my dad needs me to do CPR on Ellen ... I mean, I took a few courses in CPR just before the world tour, but I never had to put it to good use!

But right now, there's no way I was letting anyone else do it on her. I'm the reason this happened. I should be the reason she becomes okay again.

I'm so stupid, I should've thought! Ellen's just out of hospital with a bad head injury and what do I do? Throw her in the pool ... Good one Ross!

I started pushing on Ellen's chest. After a few presses I did mouth to mouth.

I know this might sound weird ... But what if this is the last time our lips touch ... Stop it Ross, FOCUS!!!

After a repeat of this she finally started breathing again. Thank goodness! I went over to lift her up to her room and let her rest, but before I could pick her up she backed away from me and fell onto Riker. Everyone was crowding around her because we were all so worried, but Riker was right behind her.

She got up and grabbed Riker's hand and pulled him to the other side of the yard.

Riker's Pov

What's she doing? Why would she back away from Ross like that? I honestly don't know what's gotten into her.

I stood there, staring over at the rest of my family while I was holding my little brothers girlfriends hand! What is this?

I looked down at Ellen, yes down, she's a lot smaller than I am! But she didn't seem like herself. As I tried to let go of her hand, she looked up at me and said, "Who are all these people? Where are we?"

What's she talking about? Why doesn't she remember who everyone is apart from?

Ross started walking towards us and Ellen jumped up into my arms. She told me to walk away from the 'stranger' so I walked away a bit.

I distracted her for enough time to hand her to Ross. Once Ross had her he ran away with her in his arms, whatever's wrong with her isn't normal!

Ross's Pov

"Put me down! Who are you?"

I ran as quickly as I could up the stairs, luckily without tripping or dropping Ellen. When we got to her room I lay her on the bed and sat so that I was pinning down her arms.

She screamed really loudly, nearly bursting my eardrums! But I knew I was going to lose her if I didn't help her now.

She tried to hit me but I had her arms and she wasn't going to give up easily ... But neither was I.

I got up and stared into her eyes, making her stop screaming and trying to get away. She just lay there, getting lost in my eyes.

I asked her who she thought I was, she didn't know. So I did the first thing that came into my mind, I kissed her.

She didn't kiss back for a while but then our lips started moving in sync, and it was honestly perfect.

I pulled away after a few minutes and she looked up at me and said, "Rossy ... What happened?"

"Elles ... Who am I?"

"You're Ross Lynch, my insanely cute boyfriend"

"Thank God you're okay! I was so worried you would forget about me ..."

"What are you talking about?"

"You don't remember?"

"Remember what?"

"I'll explain later. Just get changed and come downstairs, see you in a minute."

I kissed her quickly and then left her room and got changed. I don't think I've ever had such an eventful week!

Forbidden Love, a Ross Lynch fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now