Chapter 23

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Ellen's POV

I couldn't believe it, Ross wasn't even giving them all of this money to show off and impress me, he genuinely did it just because he's a good guy. My grandparents left and nearly as soon as they were gone, Riker and Emma arrived back home. They looked really happy together and they were laughing and smiling from the car to my front door. 

After a while we all went into my living room and sat to watch a movie, Mum decided that the movie she wanted to watch was Crazy Stupid Love. We watched half of the movie and then we paused it so we could get some snacks, Emma and Riker went to my kitchen and grabbed crisps and sweets for everyone.

While my Mum was at the bathroom, I brought Ross into the other room to ask him about the money. We sat down on my sofa and before I could say anything I was completely lost in his beautiful hazel eyes. He still looks at me the same way he always did, and that is always so special because it's something that only we share. He smiled at me with his signature Ross Lynch cheeky smile and without meaning to I found myself immediately smiling back.

He brought me onto his knee so we could cuddle closely and I told him that my Gran had been told about the money he had left in the care home. He didn't say anything at first, he just hugged me close to him and I didn't think he would ever let go.

He said that he did it because he loves me and he saw how much my Nanny meant to me and how well the care home looked after her. I was in shock, I don't care how much money Ross has, I love him anyway, but it's his generosity that makes me the proudest girl in the world to be his girlfriend. Ross is the kindest, most thoughtful guy I have ever met and that's one of the many reasons I am in love with him.

Ross's POV 

Ellen was sitting on my knee and crying into my chest because I told her why I gave the care home all of that money. She does mean the world to me, but I didn't do it to show off and make her see what I would do for her, I did it so that the care home would continue to look after her Nanny so by the time we visited again, she would still be safe. 

I saw how happy Ellen was when she walked in and saw her nanny's reaction to seeing her. Her face literally lit up. I never want anything that makes her that happy to get taken away from her, she means so much to me.

We sat and kissed until Ellen's mom said it was time to start watching the last part of the movie. We went into the living room and continued to watch the movie. As the credits were starting, Ellen was starting to fall asleep on me. I said goodnight to everyone and carried her up to bed. She was already in her PJ's and we brushed our teeth before the movie started so we were both ready to sleep. I lay her down in her bed and lay down beside her so my arm was around her and her head was on my chest.

I kissed her forehead and went to sleep beside my beautiful girlfriend.

Riker's POV

The movie was really good, and extremely funny, but nearly the entire time I was thinking about how happy Emma makes me. But I really can't be with her, 11 years is just too much of a gap. I'm going to have to tell her how I feel, even if it'll hurt both of us.

Ellen and Ross were sleeping in her room so Emma and I had been sleeping on the sofas in her living room. Emma was getting ready for bed and I was ready, so I got comfortable and pretended to be asleep, but when Emma came in I started to laugh because I can't really handle serious situations very well. 

I told Emma to sit on the sofa I was going to be sleeping on with me so that we could chat. I told her I liked her, but that was pretty obvious already anyway. She told me she liked me too, which made my situation more difficult. She began to talk about how excited she was for us to be together when we got back to LA and how great it will be for us to be an official couple.

This broke my heart, because I had to stop her from saying anything else by telling her that we couldn't be together. Her eyes started to slowly fill with tears but I'm sure that deep down she already knew that it couldn't have happened. She told me that she understands but I know that she was hurting. I told her to get some sleep so she went over to the other sofa to sleep, but neither of us slept at all that night, I know that for sure.

Emma's POV

One of the main reasons I was excited to go to LA was because I would have been able to spend more time getting closer to Riker, but now that he's made it clear that he doesn't want to be with me I don't really have a reason to go back, apart from Ellen.

She has a life in LA, her boyfriend and his family, I love her to pieces but I don't want to be a third wheel for the next few months, and Ellen's never really sure when she'll be home again either. I have to decide whether to stay or go, and I have to decide really quickly.

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