Chapter 11

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Ellen's Pov

I'm still a little bit confused about what went on last night. I guess I'll just have to ask the family, but Ross seemed pretty calm so hopefully nothing too bad happened.

I heard a knock on the door and I told them to come in. It was Emma. I feel awful saying this, but I have to admit, since we've moved here we haven't had the little chats we used to back home. I decided it was about time we continued the tradition.

We sat on my bed and chatted for hours, losing track of time completely and probably scaring the life out of Ross and making him worry about me, like he always does. He's so adorable.

We talked about some minor things like missing our family and friends back home and how much of a sweet couple me and Ross are ... but I could tell something was bothering her.

Emma's Pov

She's my best-friend, it should be so easy to tell her anything ... but this definitely wasn't going to be easy.

How am I supposed to tell her I like her boyfriends older brother? And I mean older, he's 24, this isn't good.

He looks at me a lot and I guess I look at him too, he always gives me these looks like he's sorry he isn't talking to me. But I honestly don't know if I'm just imagining it.

He's so sweet and funny ... and kind of hot too. But how's Ellen going to react? Telling her I like him could make us even more distant then we already have been recently.

But it's the right thing to do, she deserves to know.

Riker's Pov

Being the responsible big brother I am, I went upstairs to check on Ellen for Ross because he doesn't want to seem like he's being too pushy towards her.

When I get to Rydel's room I can hear her chatting to someone, as I get closer I can hear that that someone is Emma.

I really wish this is when I would say I'd given them their privacy ... but for some reason I needed to know what they were talking about.

I put my head against the door and heard Emma saying something that made me really curious for some reason.

She was saying, "I'm so sorry, I know I shouldn't like him but he's so kind. If you feel totally weird with this I'll try to get over him ... but it won't be easy."

Who was she talking about? Why would it make Ellen feel weird?

I didn't know what to do so I just quietly went back downstairs and told Ross that Ellen would be down in a few minutes, which is probably true.

Ellen's Pov

Emma likes Riker? I knew we have similar tastes in guys but seriously? My boyfriends brother! I love her to bits but it's just a bit too much of an age gap ... it's 11 years. That's a lot of years!

I don't know what the fans will think if they ever date. They already hate me and Ross together for a 6 year age gap, never mind nearly double!

I think I'm going to have to talk to Ross about this, I honestly don't know what else I'm supposed to do.

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