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You have my all.

You are my downfall.

Crush me, and keep me for eternity.

Break me in your hands love,

where I will always be.

Song: "Eternity", by Rachel Taylor.


The Northern seas, 1836.

in the middle of a seastorm, the ship carrying Queen Idunn and King Agdarr of Arendelle on board, tried to withstand the violent seas. the storm had come unexpected, and even the most experienced sailsmen didn't prophecize such wild storms this time of the year. The Queen ran to their private suite on the ship, desperately searching for pen and paper and began to write. 

'what are you doing?' It was her beloved husband Agdarr. 

'I have to finish this!' the queen said determined, still focused on completing the letter. 

'my dear, no, the ship, It's going down! we have to abandon the ship!' said her husband, holding on to the rope on the ceiling. 

'They have to know!' The queen turned to face her husband. 'we might not take it home, but this could!' this was no normal storm, not by chance.  fear gripped her heart when she taught of her 2 beautiful daughters. The king helped her on deck, where the crew was still trying to keep the ship steady on course. the queen looked up to the mast, which had begun to crack already. this wasn't a normal storm indeed.

 'Are you sure, we are doing the right thing?' asked Agdarr, looking to his wife.

 'YES!' she cried out to him. 'Anna and Elsa must know the truth! it's the only thing that will save them!' they wouldn't make it home again, they both knew this now. The king threw the bottle into the sea below, and embraced his wife one more time. Idunn shuddered as she saw the wave coming towards her. Anna, Elsa. I'm so sorry. she looked to her husband on which the same fear was written.

 'I love you' 

'i love you too' The wave crashed into the ship. The King and Queen of arendelle were no more.


Arendelle, 1841.

Both sisters stood in front of their parents gravestones. 5 years already... The young queen looked to her sister. she had grown into a fine young woman. 'they would be so proud of you, Anna' If only their parents could see her now.

 'Both of us, Elsa' The two sisters smiled to each other.

 'now come on, i have a suprise for you' The Queen took her sister's arm and they began to return to their carriage.

 'really?' laughed anna softly. 'suprises are often a mess in this family'

 'this one you like, i promise' Anna looked puzzled to her sister. 'its for your wedding'


Storybrooke, present day.

Elsa looked puzzled arround her. this wasn't her country, nor any other kingdom she recognised. and why couldn't she remember anything? She began to walk, hoping to find a town and ask the villagers where she was. as she looked arround, she heard a strange sound coming closing to her. it had bright lights and it was difficult to see what it was. some kind of carriage, but... there weren't any horses to pull it. TUUT-TUUT! the sound was so sudden that the queen reacted out of instinct. she turned her head away and stretched her arms out, unwillingly freezing the vehicle. Startled, Elsa looked to the carriage she froze. she had no idea where she was, but she wouldn't let that stop her from getting answers. She began to walk past the carriage without horses. perhaps it would be safer to go off the road as she would be a easy target for robbers and bandits. The queen began to walk deeper into the forest, or rather, tried walking as her cape often became tangled with the bushes. she sighed and with a flick of her hand, the cape dissappeared. this gown was made for walking in proper palaces, not marching arround in an unknown forest. She heard a crack nearby and she stood still. was it a bear? a wolf perhaps? she swallowed and taught what she knew of these animals. were stood the wind? as on cue, the wind picked up and the queen frowned. this wasn't right. the sound came from her left. while the wind came from that same direction. which means that the animals could not smell her. then what... she raised her hands in defense as she heard the sounds come closer. judging from the pacing on the ground, along with the heavy breathing, it had to belong to a human. 

'Come out, whoever you are!' a silhouet appeared out of the bushes.

 'Queen Elsa?!' 

'who are you, and how do you know my name?!' 

'You aren't that easily to forget.' answered the man, and with blinding speed, he pushed the queen against a tree. 'after all...' The queen's eyes widened as she felt a dagger pressed at her throat. 'you were the one who put me in prison.' The angry green eyes of Hans Westerguard bored into hers. 'and now you are going to tell me were you brought me, witch.'

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