Evigheden (Part 2)

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As Hans and Elsa parted from their hug, they glanced to the Snow Queen who had made it possible to do so. "Mother?" Hans swallowed heavily. Surely fate would be kind once more to him? "Mom?" The man's voice began to crack as he touched her hand. She was even colder then Elsa was...

"Hans?" The prince's eyes flew open when he heard his mothers voice, abeit weak. "Is...is it..."

"Yes..." smiled Hans with tears in his eyes. "She's safe... we all are."

"Good... good..." rasped Gerda as her eyes travelled to the ceiling. the way her voice sounded, made the prince become worried again. "Everything is good."

"No!" screamed Hans as he saw her eyes close again. The prince took her fragile body in his arms, keeping her eyes focused on his. "No, no, you stay here, do you hear me?"

"Such...beautiful roses..." smiled Gerda with unfocused eyes. "Kay..."

The prince's chest heaved as he saw her eyes close. "Mother... don't leave me..." for a moment, Hans became that scared child again, hiding behind his pillows from monsters under his bed. "don't leave me..." As the prince wept upon his dying mother's body, no-one noticed Gold, who knelt by one of the many Mirror pieces. As the Dark one, he could sense the grave amount of magic that lingered upon the glass... And as usual, the man could never resist power when it was displayed in front of him. Just when he wanted to pick one of the pieces up, it seemed as if the sun had crashed down to earth itself, so blinding was the sudden light.

"STAND BACK!" boomed a female voice, causing everyone to cover their ears in pain. "THERE HAS BEEN ENOUGH SUFFERING ALREADY!"

When the light faded more or less, everyone looked to the female that had appeared. Or rather, they had to look up, as the woman was as tall as the cave they stood in. She had a beautiful long bow, with sharp arrows on her back. Her dress was made out of different animal pelts such as wolves and polar bears. Her feet were bare, and she didn't seem fazed by the cold either, despite such a short revealing dress.

"I have to excuse myself." apologized the mysterious woman as she looked repulsed down to the dark one before her. "I'm afraid I'm not used to take much... human proportions as I once did." with that said, the woman shrinked to a normal human height. The strange woman raised her hand, and the pieces of The Mirror flew back together, forming a shield arround her arm. As she passed by the Dark one, and approached the group, Hans angrily stood up.

"Get out" snarled the prince angrily. "I don't care who you are, but I won't let you take another one I love!"

The woman looked unfazed to the prince's sparkling hands. "Young prince, I didn't come here for a fight. If I wanted to kill you, I could have done that without a thought."

"Hans, don't!" paled Kristoff as he took hold of his cousins shoulder. "She's..."

"I don't care who she is!"

"Hans..." whispered Anna scared as she too knew who the woman was. "Don't anger her"

Hans didn't listen to their advice and looked with the same hostility to the stranger. "yeah? you don't want to see ME angry, princess" The prince's eyes stood on fire.

The woman chuckled at Hans' determination to take her on. "I fear it would be an unfair fight for you to take on the godess of Winter." Her eyes glowed unearthly blue, and Hans stumbled fearfully backwards by the amount of power that had begun to radiate from her. Hans, as well as the rest of the group, quickly knelt down in humility for legendary godess. Just when the woman raised her hands to smite the young man down, Elsa jumped in-between the cross-fire once again.

"Please, wait!" pleaded Elsa to the godess. "He didn't mean disrespect towards you! He just lost his mother. His sadness for her, caused him to misplace his anger towards you, great Skadi." The Godess lowered her hand in suprise.

Evigheden [OUAT/Helsa]Where stories live. Discover now