Smash the Mirror (part 4)

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 true Love brings out the best.

Arendelle, 1841.

Both Elsa and the Snow Queen flew over the gigantic battle field as the Snow Bees held them both up. Or at least, they attempted to as both women tried to push each other out of their safe zone. So, it was quickly that both women crashed in-between the two armies. Both of them were unharmed, and quickly stood up again to face each other. White-Blue ice and snow crashed into each other, causing everyone, Southerners and Ardellians alike to look up in awe and fear.

"I should have let you rot 20 years ago!" shrieked the sorceress as she blocked Elsa's attack. "I tried to do some good! But in the end..." The Snow Queen waved her hands and Elsa was lifted up in the air as a large snow pile catapulted her up. "Everyone sees me as a monster." Elsa fell back on the ground with a hard crash. "Maybe it's time to let mankind remind again why they should fear me!" The Snow Queen looked down upon the girl to whom she once had given her life force to. The Snow Queen's hands began to glow white as she conjured a large ice spike in her hands, which was meant to pierce Elsa's chest.

"Evil witch! Stay away from our Queen!" The astonished Snow Queen looked up to see one of the Ardellian generals standing there. Slowly the Snow Queen stood up and walked towards the man. Those Northeners are way too bold... They need to learn their place once more it seems. The Snow Queen carelessly gestured her hand, and before the general could react, he drew his last breath, impaled by 20 ice spikes through his body. Now, where was I? The Snow Queen reformed once again an ice spike in her hand and trusted it in the woman's chest. As she looked into Elsa's eyes, she expected expecting fear or pain in her eyes. Instead, there was sheer astonishment. Elsa's body became liquid in the Snow Queen's grip, slowly turning blue before being absorbed into the urn that Anna held.

"No..." The Snow Queen's eyes turned dark when she saw her change of revenge slip literally away through her fingers. "NOOOO!" The Snow Queen let out a blood-chilling scream as she stretched her arms. Pure fury shot through the woman's veins as she channelled her power across the battle field, freezing the still fighting soldiers, the animals, the trees... Everything that had just a flicker of life became frozen on the spot. And the frost didn't stop. It went further then only the battle field, across the lake, the castle, over the mountains even, until the whole Kingdom of Arendelle was in a cold, eternal prison.


Storybrooke, present day.

"Hans?!" Elsa had made it through the storm and was running behind the Locator. It seems to go to the Mansion... "Hans?!" God, don't let me be too late to help him! The queen noticed the shirt to fall down before the door. He must be close! But when the queen tried to open the door, it didn't bulge and so, Elsa took a few steps back to freeze the lock out of his hedges.

"Hans, are you in there?"


The Snow Queen took with trembling hands the urn out of Anna's frozen body and stared with cold eyes into the young princess' eyes. How lovely it would be to crush her body into tiny pieces... The sorceress considered it for a moment, but in the end, decided against it. No. No, it would be too easy to kill her and let her suffering end so soon. The Snow Queen felt Anna's life force through the thick ice, abeit weakened as the princess, and everyone else in Arendelle, was in a comateuse state untill she decided to unfreeze them. As she passed Kristoff, who stood with his arm protectively arround the princess, the Snow Queen suddenly noticed something peculiar. A magic bean... Now that might come in handy soon... The only breathing creature in Arendelle looked down again on the urn. She couldn't risk open it by herself, for she would be sucked in while Elsa would be freed. She'll have to be patient for another amount of time, it seems. But what she could do, was take away Elsa's memories, to buy herself some time. She had been roaming the world, looking for all the missing pieces of the Mirror of Reason. Without Elsa realizing who she really was, she could go on with searching without intervenience. As the Snow Queen took away Elsa's memories with the Troll rock, she didn't notice Rumplestiltskin appear behind her.

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