The Snow Queen (part 1)

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Disclaimer: "the Snow queen" from Hans Christian Andersen doesn't belong to me, sadly enough.

Arendelle, 1841.

Hans had never felt so out of place as now when he walked through the hostile glares of the Sami people. Kristoff had warned him beforehand they would not be friendly to him, especially to a foreigner of the South. His clothes stood out like a moose during hunting season: While his were black and grey, The Sami People had clothes with all kind of colours you could think of. He heard the people whisper in their native language; Hans did know enough that he wasn't welcome here. Mothers clutched their children behind their back, While the fathers reached for their weapons.

"What is the meaning of this, Kristoff? Why did you bring a Summer child here?" asked one of the Ice harvesters while ignoring Hans completely. Hans wanted to speak, when he remembered Kristoff's words: Don't speak unless you're asked.

"He's not a Summer child, Gunnar." retorted Kristoff. "He has as much Northern Blood as we have."

The old Ice harvester laughed. "That weakling over there?! What does he know of the Songs?" Gunnar spitted on the ground.

"He may not know the Songs, but he has the Sight!" said Kristoff loudly, so the people could hear.

"That's no reason to bring him here." spoke Gunnar unimpressed. "There are many who have it in the South too, thanks to those traitors who mingled their blood with them, like your mother did. Just like you are doing now with the princess."

"How dare you..." The blonde Ice harvester' face went red. Hans couldn't keep silent anymore. His body and mind were exhausted from the journey, His headaches had become unbearable at this point, and he became sick of Gunnar's cold attitude.

"Look, mountain man!" The Sami people went silent, astonished a stranger spoke out of turn. "I don't care what your opinion is about what you are talking, but I have crossed an entire country to come here, against my will even. Kristoff wanted me to learn your traditions, your ancestry. But if you keep going like this, there won't be a culture left to give it to the future!" The prince breathed heavily. "There is a war brooding at your door. We have come to warn you about that."

" That's none of our concern. They will leave us alone" spoke an angry Gunnar while he stood up to face the prince.

"If you think they will, you are even more short-minded then I thought you were" snarled the prince back.

"I will not swallow insults from a boy so green he pisses grass!" yelled Gunnar while taking out his dagger.

"Oh... so I am a boy?" spoke the prince calmly while the dagger was pressed against his chest. Kristoff knew the prince well enough to know he was at his most dangerous when he spoke like that. "You'd have to be more careful, mountain man. Kill the boy, and you let the man be born"

"Do you hear how he speaks, Gunnar?" spoke a cracked voice. Everyone turned their heads towards the old woman who shuffled forwards. "Only someone from the North speaks so bold."

"Lappekonen! You can't possibly teach this foreigner..."

"I can't what?" interrupted the woman sharply, causing Gunnar to shut his mouth. "I'll decide for myself whom I teach." The woman turned her attention back to Kristoff and Hans. "I'm sorry for the hostile welcome you two had to endure. Let's go talk somewhere warmer." The crowd let the woman respectfully pass with Kristoff and Hans walking behind her. The night began to set in, and Hans looked up to see the Aurora Borealis shining above the sky before stepping in the warm cozy tent.

"You too Kristoff Bjorgman!" Hans looked behind him to see Kristoff come in too. Apparently he thought Lappekonen wanted to speak with Hans alone.

"Me, Lappekonen? I... I believe you wanted to learn Hans, not me..." stuttered Kristoff while sitting next to the auburn-haired man.

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