Shattered Souls (part 2)

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Arendelle, 1819

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't find anything to hold on too; the force of the avalanche smashed on her body. the heavy snow began to suffocate her, crushing her bones underneath its large weight... I was going to die... Suddenly the ground dissappeared from beneath her, and she felt the wind blowing on her body. She was falling! She screamed as pure fear came over her, but the giant rumble of the avalanche smothered her cries. A blinding pain on her back took the air out of her lungs and she choked as she rolled further downwards. CRACK! The collision between Gerda's head and a giant grey rock made the girl see black. The pain her body had to endure, was so huge it went into its natural defense mechanism: shutting the body down from any more harm. Soon, harsh evening winds came up as night began to set in, blanketing the area with the three people in white cold frost.


"How did you end up in that Mirror?" asked Kristoff, who was the first to get out of his shocked state.

"There are many ways" smiled the short man while he walked arround the group. Almost all the other people had already left, besides Emma, Robin and a still gravely wounded Regina. "Oh, dear..." The duke saw the two bleeding women on the ground. "They don't look so good..." As the duke walked arround, they all kept their eyes on him, ready to attack or defend.

"You know him?!" asked Robin while he slowly helped Regina up. He had managed to bandage the wound but it wouldn't last long. She needed medical care immediately.

"Yes...He was that sniveling Weasel Duke I told you about earlier...Seems you get the chance after all, to take him on..." said Hans while keeping his eyes on the short man. You still didn't answer our question" said Hans to the duke with narrowed eyes. "How, and why did you attach yourself to the Mirror? You know the Northern Legend: Whoever does that, has-"

"-made a contract with the Devil himself, I know" shrugged the duke nonchalantly the prince's sentence away. "But they never tell you how good the power is that you get with it... To control everyone with just a simple thought..." It caused the prince to become red with rage. HE had made him attempt regicide on Elsa and Anna?!

"So, that's what its all about? Power?" asked the Red-head from her knelt position next to Elsa.

"A part of it..." smiled the duke maliciously as he locked his lustfull eyes on Gerda. "Mostly for the reason to destroy a certain girl's happiness..."

"I told you, weasel, I didn't want to marry you" said Gerda coldly. "I thought I made that point quite clear multiple times over." The Snow Queen's hands shook from anger. "All this, is because you couldn't get me as your price?!"

"Yes." said the duke while he approached her. "You, such a beautiful flower should be given everything of wealth..." His eyes stood dilated and far away. "But then...You just left me to search for your brother! That boy was as good as dead anyway...I was there for you...I loved you! But I was patient...o YES, I was patient for you Gerda..."

Kristoff and Anna glanced to each other worriedly. that guy had created some sick obsession about Gerda, a made up fantasy. He was nuts... But even crazy people can be dangerous.

"When you came back, I knew you would go with me, far away...But then that King made you false promises, enchanted you with his honeyied words! He didn't have the right to have you! He was already married! I had to try, Gerda... to take you away from that snake!"

"I have seen this before, Duke." interrupted Gerda with a sharp voice. "This isn't love. It never was even close to that! You will be put on trial by both The Southern Isles and Arendelle, for attempting murder on both royal families. Any last words before the authorities in this land take you away?" The Duke snarled at her words and stepped towards her, when Kristoff stopped him from coming too near her.

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