White-out (part 2)

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White-out (Part 2)

Elsa had never used such amount of magic before, let alone on another sorceress like her. Her arms were heavy from keeping them up and her hands began to tremble, causing her magic to come out less stable. She could make out some movement from the corner of her eye and she saw Hans with his sword running towards her. Emma used that moment to attack the queen once more. At first it seemed that Elsa could shield herself with her ice, but her diminished focus caused Emma's light magic to pierce through her ice.

"AAAh!" On instinct tried the queen to shield her face with her arms, but it didn't prevent her from getting blasted away a few feet further. A dazzled queen looked up to see Emma stand over her with yellow glowing hands. Elsa closed her eyes in defeat and waited to be killed on the spot. However the blow never came.

"NO!" The world seemed to burn yellow against a black shadowy figure and the queen narrowed her eyes from the bright light. The magic seemed to get reflected away... The queen blinked once more and could suddenly see Hans' standing before her with his sword blocking Emma's light. A shocked Emma ceased to attack, surprised a normal medieval weapon could withstand magic. Both prince and savior stood across one another, still breathing heavily. Hook and Charming, who had gained conscious again looked also in awe to the two people. The strange quiet moment was broken when a loud crack could be heard; the sound send chills across everyone's spines. They all looked up and saw giant ice rocks come loose from the wall.

"Watch out!" Emma tried to run back along with Hans and Elsa, but the three humans were stopped in their tracks when giant rocks began to block their way.

"No, get back!" Hans grabbed the savior back, preventing her from getting crushed by one of the rocks. Another tremble moved the ground, making even Hans shake in utter fear. He didn't know who did it first. Maybe they did it at the same time. Anyhow, the prince and queen embraced each other, seeking comfort in what they thought were their last hours. The two royals knelt to the ground to make them as small as possible as the rocks buried both them and Emma in a small ice cave.


The sound of parrying swords could be heard far and wide across the hill. "You are doing great!" huffed Anna while they were taking a break.

"We're done. I'm sorry but I can't beat you." Answered Charming unconvinced. "How can I beat her army then?"

" You really like to give up" said the unimpressed princess.

"I know about battles that can be won. Now most importantly is survival for my mother and me."

"Wow. I was wrong. You really, really like to give up"

"I like to survive."

"Surviving isn't living."

"It's the definition of living." David paused, before turning around to face the princess again. And he began to tell of his father, who wanted to change for them.

"After 13 days, he broke his promise, and drunk himself to death in a tavern."

"You're not like your father. Your father was weak. But not you! You are strong, I know that." The redhead sighed. She saw so much from her sister in him. He didn't see what he was capable of and she wanted to make him see that. For the princess was nothing so important as seeing people living up to their true potential. Everyone had something special in them, whether you have magic or not. "Look, I'm going to stay here for one night before I continue my journey. But I'll stay tomorrow to help you if that's what you want. Just... Meet me at the barn so we can continue training." Pleaded the princess before leaving David alone to think of her offering.

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