Chapter One.

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The queen looked shocked to the young prince. 'You are supposed to be in prison! Your brother's -' 'I managed to escape' cut the man her sentence off. 'now, you are going to tell me where I am.' 'I don't know! I just arrived here!' whispered elsa, afraid to move her neck too much and give the man the excuse to slice her throat open. The prince's eyebrow went up, clearly not believing her. 'somehow I can't remember what i did the last two weeks, nor how I came here. and suddenly you turn up. what am i to make of that uhm?' The queen frowned. 'wait, you can't remember what you did the last two weeks? neither can I!' The prince narrowed his eyes. 'either you are lying or-' 'I'm not. and do you think i want to be here intentionally with you?' Elsa felt the pressure on her neck dissappear. 'no. neither do I.' frowned the prince, while putting the dagger back. 'you're not going to kill me?' she asked while rubbing her neck. 'when we are back in Arendelle, I will do it with pleasure.' said the prince. 'but for now we are appearently in unknown territory. we don't know what this land is called, who rules it, nor how the inhabitants are. best is to stick together with what or who we know' 'you expect me to trust you?' said the queen unbelievingly. 'no. if you did, you'd be a bigger fool then i held your sister for.' the mention of Anna made Elsa aware her sister wasn't here. 'Anna! o god...' the queen turned to the prince. 'where is she?' 'what, she isn't with you?' the queen said nothing, comfirming what the prince just asked. 'well... then we have to look for her, don't we?' 'since when do you care for Anna?' 'I don't' said hans stoic. 'I'm just concerned about my own safety. if we find her corpse, we-.' Elsa fumed at the man's words and raised her hand to slap him. 'ah-ah' the prince catched her wrist. 'not very queen-like is it?' 'get your hands of me.' growled Elsa, while janking her arm back. 'we have to go searching for my sister. there has to be a town nearby. we can ask if they have seen her.' The queen stormed off, casually followed by the Southern prince.

It was in the early morning they found the town called 'storybrooke'. neither royals had heard of such a townname in any of the regions they knew. 'can't you just keep your ice in witch?' growled Hans as he noticing the ice trail that followed the queen. 'we are going to get attention with your sorcery.' Elsa looked angrily to the auburn haired man. 'Its not easy, you try to keep calm, when you are in a realm with no memory and with a traitorous murderer-' 'ok, ok' the prince shushed her down as he noticed the ice trail getting larger as Elsa became angrier with the minute. the two royals walked further on, until the prince noticed Elsa going to a window with a white dress in it. 'Hey, what...'


'an ice ring!' gasped anna, 'oh, or a carriage, o no, wait...' Elsa opened the door. 'its an attic' said the girl puzzled. 'it is indeed.' said the queen as she walked towards the closet and opened it. 'is that...' 'mother's' smiled Elsa. Anna's hand went for the dress, but hesitated. 'i don't want to rip it' she said. 'you have to put it on carefully.' said the queen. 'you want me to wear it?' Elsa smiled. 'of course you want me to, why else would i be here' the queen thought when she looked at the dress. 'its missing something.' she held her hand up and a necklace dangled between the two siblings. 'something new. with something borrowed.' 'its amazing... thank you so much!' the sisters hugged. 'now, shall you try it on?' Anna giggled in excitement and went behind a screen, to try it out. 'I'm sure i'm gonna spill something on it' babbled the princess. 'about the wedding... Tell me i don't have to walk down the aisle with sven' 'dont worry, he's not the first men' laughed anna. 'I'm also concerned about the groom.' 'he's gonna be properly attired. its not like he grew up in a barn.' anna paused. 'alright, yes he grew up in one, but you will see, it will be wonderfull' the queen smiled and looked arround between the old books. One got the queen's interest however, when she recognised her mother's handwriting on the front. she began to read, not noticing her sister coming out with her wedding dress. the younger sister immediately saw something was wrong as she saw little snowflakes appear above her sibling. 'Elsa? what's wrong?' 'my mother.... their dead.. its all my fault!' with tears in her eyes, the queen fled out of the attic.


storybrooke, present day.

'Swan, are you avoiding me?' Emma sighed as they began to talk somewhat further away from Snow. 'I'm not, it's just.... dealing with stuff' she tried to explain. 'There is Always a crisis' spoke Hook. 'perhaps you should consider living through it, otherwise you might miss it!' 'we're under attack!' yelled Grumpy from across the street. Hook closed his eyes. bloody hell.... what was it now? 'what is it Leroy?' 'something blasted us with Ice! who has that kind of magic?' Emma frowned. 'perhaps the person who made that?' and she pointed to the ice trail. Both she and hook began to sprint, following the trail to an old garage.


'Elsa, are you alright?' the queen waved her hand towards her sister. 'please i want to be left alone.' 'you are never gonna be alone. other when i'm not arround. but that doesn't matter, cus i'm here now, and you know.... thats a nice thing' babbled the princess. 'what was in the dairy?' asked the princess as she knelt beside her sibling. 'read' Anna took the dairy and began to citate: 'I wish i didn't had to hide the truth from my children. But the truth would be too painful. especially for elsa. how can you explain to your child that she was cursed out of our stupidity and naiveness. because of us, our youngest daughter almost got killed. The pain both of my girls are going through, has to stop.' it was silent for a long time. 'I'm so sorry' cried Elsa. 'you don't have to be, its not your fault.' 'anna, because of me they left. they can't walk you down the aisle tomorrow. and apparently...' the queen looked to her hands. 'my parents caused this... magic to be mine' she had accepted her powers, true... but that didn't stop her from wanting to be a normal woman. even now after the big freeze, dignitaries and nobilities still looked at her with fear. 'apparently they went undercover to Misthaven, and not to the northern isles' Elsa said. 'they left because they were scared of me' 'no!' the princess looked to her sibling. 'i refuse to believe it, and i will prove it.' 'How?' asked the queen. 'my future in laws!' grinned Anna.


Hans heard voices coming this way and pulled the queen with him in a hiding spot. Both breathed heavily, cramped together chest to chest. The prince looked worried to the queen, who was on the point of breakdown. snow began to swirl arround her. 'Calm down!' sissed Hans, and he grabbed the queen's arms. it didn't work though. the snow became thicker and soon Hans saw a 2 meter tall snowman take form before them. 'well, so much for being unnoticed' said the prince annoyed as people began to scream outside.

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