The Apprentice (part 1)

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Neither Hans or Elsa slept that night very well and the next day both stood there with bags under their eyes.

"Didn't sleep well?" asked Elsa.

"No" said the prince while he was rubbing his head.. Those damn dreams became worse and worse everytime he slept in. "You neither, I see. Still thinking about that... snow queen?" It was the new name Emma had come up with.

"She was scary, Hans. She wanted to see me suffer... I guess its working." The queen still felt a chill over her body when she thought of her.

"Don't give her that satisfaction" said the prince, while he was working himself through a pile of papers just like Charming and Snow. "Let it rest for a while and lets look if we can find some clues about your sister."


"Rumplestilstkin?" called Anna in the hall. "Are you here? The door was open."

"End of the hall, first one on the right. Come on in, dearie."

The red-haired princess entered and began to babble. "My name is June. I come for a-... Is something wrong with your skin?" asked Anna as she saw Rumple's face. "Not that there is anything wrong with your skin, its just-"

"You're name is not June." Said the Dark one while standing up and walking arround Anna. "You see, names are my stock in trade, Dearie. And yours is... Anna of Arendelle." Said Rumple with a smile. "There is no need to keep secrets from me.. I know more than you know."

"So... you know why I came here?"

"You want to know why your parents ventured into this strange land..." said the dark one theatrically.

"My sister thinks it was because of her, but I know she's wrong.."

"Your parents payed me a visit on their journey." Smiled Rumple. "It would seem, when one needs answers.. I'm the place to go!"

"What answers did they seek?" asked the red-head.

"Well.. I can't just tell ya" pointed Rumple out. "You see, besides names...I'm also good at making deals." Rumple waved his hand and a long scroll wrapped out.

"a Deal? Sure. I do whatever it takes to help my sister" said the princess innocently.

Rumple laughed. "Whatever it takes! I love when they say that!" Rumple waved his hand again and a small bottle appeared in his hand.

"On the foot of a dark mountain" began the dark one theatrically, while waving his hands arround. "lives a very old man. Prickly type. Probably eats children for breakfast. Now..." The dark one held the bottle up. "I want you to put this in his tea."

"What will that do to him?"

"Sorry dearie, that's not part of our agreement. Now..." Rumple placed the contract on the table. "sign here, and all your problems will dissappear! I shall then tell you why your parents came to seek me... Do we have a deal?" Rumple held out the pencil to Anna.


Hans and Elsa were taking a break from searching all day looking through the papers and looked now to Emma who was ready to go on a date with Hook.

"How do I look?" asked Emma nervously.

"Amazing" said Charming smiling to his daughter.

"Is that just the corset? Where is the rest of it?" asked Elsa confused. That dress was very low cut... but then again, this was another realm with other manners...

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