Breaking Glass (part 1)

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"We can't just sit here reading files the whole day... again!" said Elsa frustrated as she hadn't found anything about her sister.

"We have to do something" agreed Hans who was getting impatient as well with their slow unsuccessful progress.

"Yes, but that snow queen... She's tricky. We have to be careful" spoke Emma while trying to keep both royals calm.

"Wars aren't won with overthinking things, Emma." Said the trained aspect of Hans. "Sometimes you just have to go into the offence and take risks if you want to win the battle. "

Emma sighed while pulling out another set of photos. "That may be so, Hans, but knowledge is just as crucial... we have to know what she wants..."

"You think she took mine and Hans' memories?" thought Elsa out loud.

"I believe so..." spoke Emma. "Again, the question is why."

"Paper work, ahoy!" said Hook who came in with another box of files. Hans groaned at the pile.

"I'm going to take Henry off sailing, love" said Hook after which he gave Emma a kiss on the cheek. "Goodbye"

The prince closed his eyes when another chill went through his body. Ever since he came here... His chest felt more and more heavy. Like he had no strength anymore in his body. At first he thought it was still an after-effect of the hypothermia a few days ago... But after seeing the snowflake-shaped mark on his chest, he was sure that wasn't the case.

"Emma?" asked the Ice queen to the blonde woman.

Hans snapped back into reality as he saw Emma and Elsa look at a picture.

"Its her... and me?!" said Emma while showing the picture to them.

"And you don't remember her as well? Nobody in the town knew she was here before?" asked Hans.

"Well, there is one, who could know about it... the one who had those photos taken." Said Emma. "we have to talk to Regina."


"Please tell me you found her!" asked Regina desperate for a solution to Marion's curse.

"and which her would that be? Maid Marion? Snowwhite? Its so hard to keep track of her majesty's nemesis's.." said Sidney.

"I'm not in the mood for games Sidney! If I can't find a solution for Marion, I'll have to force the Snow queen to do it herself! I need to know where the Snow queen is hiding."

"Haven't come across the Snow queen yet" said Sidney.

"Then you have a new task! Find where she is. Or you will know what feeling sorry truly feels like"

"Yes...Your majesty" spoke Sidney while trying to hide his anger towards the Evil Queen.


"Are you okay?" asked Elsa when she saw how nervous Emma was.

"Those pictures... when I first got here... Regina hated me. I mean... hating is a strong word... but we didn't exactly went along. It seems we are back on that same path.... Are you coming?"

"No, I feel that you should talk this out alone... Hans and I will wait here. You'll be able to fix it." smiled Elsa to the savior.

"I doubt it. Once you screw someone over, there is no turning back."

"What makes you say that?" asked the queen.

"Experience" answered Emma while she went out of the car.

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