Breaking Glass (part 2)

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Hans crawled away from the abyss while trying to catch his breath from the difficult climb. I made it... The prince lay on the dirty ground, not caring if his clothes or hair got messy from the mud and branches. He stood back up and began to run over the staircase, but more carefully this time. Well, it appears no snow monster is here to push me over the hedge... smiled Hans as he remembered the battle on the ice palace.


Now, where was she? that witch couldn't have gone far... Although Hans still called the Ice queen like that in his mind, it didn't had the same hateful ring to it. It had changed to a more amusing nickname in his thoughts.


The prince ran a few meters further before rubbing his neck, a bad habbit he couldn't get rid of.

"Careful dear." The prince spun arround to see the Snow queen before him and he quickly drew his dagger. "We don't want the little queen come to your rescue."

The prince groaned in pain when ice shackles prevented him from doing anything. the cold was so harsh it caused his hands to become stiff and he dropped his weapon to the ground.

"Why are you doing this?" grunted the prince as his shackles became shorter, forcing him on his knees.

"Look at you..." whispered the Snow queen. "So much anger and hate... Imagine what you could do if you only learned to control it... You had a chance to do so once, but.. you squandered it. fortunately. for me."

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

The Snow queen knelt before the prince. "Ah, yes. you don't know." she chuckled softly. "Well, I guess I owe you an explaination." the woman traced her fingers across Hans' jaw. "Do you know the legend of the Troll Mirror, young prince?"

"Of course I do." said the prince confused.

"Then you remember how the Mirror broke... "

Suddenly the Snow queen's hand went through the man's chest, causing him to scream in pain.

"And how everyone who got such a shard in his eye or heart, became just as cold" The hand of the Snow queen retreated slowly and the prince' watery eyes could vaguely make out that she held something in her hand. When he blinked again to make his sight clearer he saw a small glowing glass shard. He looked again to the Snow queen's angry eyes.

"And yet, when I commanded you to kill that pathetic redhead and that miserable queen, you still resisted it..."

The prince grimaced when the Snow queen's finger went across his face, causing it to become white with frost.

"But as for now, your usefulness has come to an end, young prince." The hand of the Snow queen began to glow white and the prince screamed again when the cold struck his heart. It was slow, unlike the strike that Anna had to endure because of her sibling, but also a lot more agonizing.

"Leave him alone!" With a loud blast the Snow queen got thrown back, and the exhausted prince fell on the ground, vaguely seeing the Snow queen dissappear in a cloud of snowflakes.

"Hans!" Two warm hands took hold of him and he blinked to see a worried Elsa staring at him. With a flick of her hand, the queen released the prince from the shackles.

"I'm fine..." spoke the prince as he sat back up. he looked to his chest and saw that the snowflake-mark had dissappeared. "I'm fine, really, I-"

it was as if a hammer had hit his head. The memories from the past 2 years came back, all at once, and more clearer than he had ever remembered before.

Evigheden [OUAT/Helsa]Where stories live. Discover now