Chapter 2

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"Boss!" Mah boy lex says standing next to me as I continue playing cod.

"Whattup" I reply,

"Richie went down in the last shoot out" He says as I throw the controller at the flat screen and jump up from my bed.

"Lets go! Tell the boys be ready in three" I say walking outside the room and putting on my black bandana.

I strap up my m9 and G18. I walk to the exit of our hideout as tires to a white van screeched. I jumped in as the van door opens.

"Lets go" I say as the van drives along with two other vans right behind us.

"Which house we going to boss?" Will asks speeding down the road.

"Make a turn down there and stop at the blue house with a white fence" I say as my phone rings.

"What!?" I snap,

"Boss! Why we headin to Mr.Biggs house?" Dillyn asks as I grunt,

"That man deserves what coming to him! He took my dad out now he's going out" I shout as will turns the car with a loud screech.

How did I find the guy that killed mah dad? Easy, all I had to do was kill a couple of five-o's and bust my way into the file room.

"Aight!" Will announces as the van came to a stop.

"Lets go!" I shout as we all jumped out of the van and ran up the porch.

We shoot through the front door and made our way into each and every room. Looking through all the rooms, a bunch of guys came out with guns as more bullets go. I made my way to the master bedroom and came to Mr.Bigs bedroom empty with a note on the bed.

'I knew you were coming for me, listen son you have no idea who your messing with, just stop trying to be your father or you'll end up just like him,


"Boss!" I heard lex announce.

"What?" I shout back ripping up the note.

"I think you better come" He says as I follow him.

"We didn't find Mr.Bigg but we did find something very valuable to him" Lex says with a smirk as I hear screaming from a room down the hall.

"Get off me!" The voice shrieked.

We came inside and I see a girl, she looks about my age, brown wavy hair, and was wearing a blue and white school uniform, and blue and white jordans.

"Leave me alone!" She shouts as Dillyn holds her down.

"This is Mr.Biggs 17 year old daughter" Lex says reading a piece of paper.

"She was in here doing her hw when we found her" Lex says as I look at her.

"Stop!" I shout as she stops moving and looks at me, with her brown eyes.

"What do you want from me?!" She shouts,

"Shut up!" I snap as she rolls her eyes.

"Whats your name?" I ask as she looks away.

Dillyn slap her as she falls to the floor.

"He asked you a question hoe!" He shouts.

"Leave me alone Jackass" She says kicking him in his private area.

Lex goes over and picks her up by her hair. She spits in his face and tries to run out as Dillyn hits her over the head knocking her out with his gun.

"Just throw her in the van and we'll find a way to get to her dad" I say walking out of the house.

I jump into the van as I see lex and dillyn come out with the girl over lex's shoulder. As soon as we were all in the vans we drove off and i stared at the house as it blew up.

"Done boss" Dillyn says as I nod.

I stare at the unconscious girl laying on the floor. There's something about her that makes me drift off to my thoughts. Why would Mr.Biggs leave his daughter? Is it to distract me or is it cuz thats how ungrateful he is? Whatever it was made me so confused. I'll think of something when we go back to our hideout and wake her up.

When the van stopped lex threw the girl over his shoulder as we walked in.

"You know for a 17 year old she fine as hell" Will says into my ear as I roll my eyes.

"Boy! Get back to work" I say and he quickly walks away.

"Where do I put her?" Lex asks,

"Put her upstairs in the room" I say as he knows which room I'm talking about.

Theirs a room upstairs that I put people I kidnap to get something out of them, after I just shoot them and its over with.

This chapter was short but yeah, there'll be more if yah comment and vote for more ^~^

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