Chapter 24

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"She's losing a lot of blood" a voice says as I feel myself being moved,

"We need to hurry" Another voice says as I try to open my eyes but I can't find myself to do so,

"Hurry doctor" another voice says before I feel someone touch my rib as I hiss in pain,

"We need to operate now" A females voice says as I hear a door close and a machine beeping,

After what felt like years the loud movements, machines beeping, and people arguing, I heard a door close. I perked my eyes open as I noticed I had a bandaged rib. I looked around seeing I was in a hotel room.

"Sir you cant see her right now" A ladys voice says behind the close door in front of me,

"I dont give a fuck! Let me in!?" I heard Wills voice snap as I slide off the bed,

There was a pile of clothes near the bed so I slid them on. It was a black tee, white booty shorts, and a pair of converse.

"Is she alive at least?" I hear Jordans voice squeak as I put my ear against the door,

"Yes, shes just resting" The lady says before an idea popped in my head and I slid under the bed,

"Lets go!" I hear viers voice say loudly before the doors banged open,

"What the fuck?! She aint even in here?!" Will snaps as I stare at their jordans squeaking against the hospital floor,

"She was here I swear" I saw a pair of white heels click on the floor as I try to hold in my laughter,

"We must have the wrong room lets go!" Vier says before I see their feet walk out,

I groaned as the pain in my rib cage grew. I slid out from under the bed before walking out of the room. I saw Jordan, Will, and Vier walk down the hall as I smirk. I walked behind them as they still havent noticed me there. I tried to hold in my laughter as they kept glancing in each room not even looking back once.

"Where could she be? For gods sake she just got shot how far can she move?!" Will asks rubbing his forehead before I hugged him from behind as he shrieked,

"Jezzabelle?!" Vier and Jordan shout as I let go of Will and laugh loudly,

"Oh my fucking god you scared the shit outta me!?" Will snaps before pulling me in a hug,

"Yeah we thought you died after Dillyn shot you" Vier says hugging me as I froze and push him back,

"What?!" I snapped as he looked at me and smiled nervously,

"Yeah uh, I think someones calli-" before he finished I cut him off with a glare as he groans,

"I wanna know what the fuck happened after I got shot!" I snapped as they all looked at Vier,

"Ok! After Dillyn shot you all hell broke lose, meaning everyone was shooting anything. And after that your father tried to shoot Lucas before we broke through the doors and shot him. Now your dad is dead and Lucas is trying not to kill Dillyn for shooting you back at his moms mansian. Yes Lucas mom wanted to stay at the house to cool off Lucas before he kills Dillyn seeing what he did to you. So they sent the three Musketeers to check on you" Vier says with a smile as I roll my eyes and walk out the hospital with them following,

"You guys have a car?" I asked stopping on the sidewalk,

"No the white lady dropped us off with nothing" Will says rolling his eyes as I spot a black and red mustang up ahead,

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