Chapter 11

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He pulled the trigger as I fell to the floor in a crouch position trembling. I turn to see the big hole on the wall.

"Get up!" He snaps as I immediately stand up.

"Let's go" He says walking away as I walk after like a lost dog,

It remained silent as the elevator went slowly all the way to the suite. The door dinged open as he walks quietly to the room. He opens the door and yanks me onto the bed.

"Sleep" he says pointing at the pillows as I lay down and hid under the blankets till I fell asleep.

Later on...

I heard sniffling when I woke up. I slowly peaked over my blanket. I saw that the patio door was open and Lucas was outside with his back faced towards the open patio doors. I heard his sniffles as I got up from the bed quietly and rubbed my sleepy eyes. I slowly crept towards him and saw he was holding a picture of something but I couldn't see it clearly. His tears fell on the picture as he wiped his nose.

"Are you okay?" I asked as he immediately jumped up and wiped his face.

"Fuck! Jezzabelle don't fucking do dat shit!" He snaps sitting down on a chair.

"Why are you crying?" I ask sitting next to him,

"I wasn't doing shit go back to sleep!" He says angrily scooting away from me,

"Were you crying about your dad?" I ask as his head snaps towards me,

"What do you know about that?!" He growls as I roll my eyes,

"I have my ways, but anywho I know that my dad's crew or watevas killed your father, but trust I never knew about that okay I swear on my moms grave. I was so surprised when I found out about that I was like what the fuck my dad has a crew and then I was like oh yeah that's why he always leaves in the middle of the night to an empty warehouse in {Random street name lmfao} Parker's Street with a bunch of black niggas with guns a-" I scrambled on before Lucas cut me off,

"Wait what?" He asks in surprise as I look up.

"What?" I asked confusedly,

"You knew where your dad was this whole time and you never said shit?!" He says getting up,

"Ok first of all why the fuck would I tell you where my dad was so you can kill him huh?, and second off when I talk a lot shit spill out" I say getting up,

"But that's not the fucking point ok you can chase my dad in the morning right now your gonna sit yo ass right here and tell my why the fuck you were crying about your dad!?" I snapped as he looked at me like I was crazy, then after a while he sat down as zi sighed and sat next to him,

"First off don't cop an attitude wit me, ever" He says as I laugh and apologize,

"Uh ok well growing up in the streets of New York wasn't easy especially when your dad is the leader of the most wanted gang in the city, so yeah growing up I was home schooled, every where I went I was guarded by guns with big men around, My mother was never around so my dad raise me on his own with his crew by his side" He says showing me the soaked picture of his dad and him when he was a kid,

"That lasted for a little bit before your father and his crew shot up his house and killed my dad in front of me when I was 9" he says as tears shed,

"I can never forget my dad face after he got shot" he says wiping his tears,

"Ever since that day I took after my dad's kingdom and took care of it, now there's only one goal, which is revenge" he says with a sniffle as I scoot close to him, he stared at the sky before I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him close as I felt him tense up,

"I'm sorry" I say shedding a tear as he calms down,

"I never knew any of this" I say pulling away but keeping my arms around his neck,

{Dirty Contents coming up 😜}
We just sat there staring into each other's eyes for a long time before he leaned in and I copied his actions, our lips connected as I felt a tingle in my heart. We made out as he wrapped his arms around my waist as I gripped his hair, the kiss got heated as he got up and I wrapped my legs around his waist, he carried me to the bed with our bodies still connected as his hands slowly crept down to the bottom of my shirt,

"Lucas" I gasped as his head shot up, 

"What's wrong" he asks as I sit up,

"I-I-I'm still a-" I studdered before he finished my sentence,

"Virgin" He says getting up as I look down.

"It's okay, I'm sorry for rushing you into this" he stammers as I smash my lips onto his,

"It's okay" I say looking into his eyes as he looks back,

"Come lay with me" I say laying down as he lays next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist,

"Thank you"He whispers in my ears,

"For what?" I asked with a yawn,

"For actually listening to me talk about my past, I've never told anyone about that except you" He says kissing my head as I smile and fall asleep,

Omfg?!?! They're so cute :) Omfg guys the guy that I like actually asked me to formal and I'm so happy right now :)))))) like I was going crazy af in school but yeah vote and comment for more ;)

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