Chapter 5

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After will took Jezzabelle upstairs I walk into my room to clear my thoughts. It was getting real hot so I decided to head upstairs to take a quick shower. As I was walking upstairs I heard voices, and when I opened the bathroom door my blood boiled.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" I shouted angrily as Jezzabelle and Will turn around,

I pulled my gun out as Jezzabelle jumped in front of will.

"STOP!" She screamed as I glared at Will pointing my gun in front of Jezzabelle.

"Move bitch!" I shouted as she shook her head,

"No! Please don't do this Lucas!" She pleaded as Will stood frozen behind her,

"Look if your angry just take it out on me not will please" she pleaded as I look at him to her,

I thought it over , will was one of my best guys so I groaned before grabbing Jezzabelle forcefully by her hair and looked at will,

"I'm not done with you" I snapped before dragging Jezzabelle back to the room.

"I'm not gonna do anything to you" I say as she lay limp on the floor crying.

I got a feeling of hurt but pushed it away and slammed the door shut and locked it. I walked away angrily, feelings? Nah fuck that! I am not getting feelings especially for a girl, I thought to myself.
I walked back to where Will still stood frozen.

"Get back to work, and if I catch you near Jezzabelle you won't be that lucky" I spat before stomping away.


After wiping away my tears I sat up and looked around the room. I've gotta find a way out of this place. The only thing there was a window, but it was barred up like in squares. I had an idea lol.

I saw a movie where there was a girl locked up and the only thing there was a barred up window, she got out by breaking the bar with a rock or something hard.

I squeezed my arm out the little square to feel hard things. I felt around till I grabbed something hard and heavy. I lifted it up and bingo it was a rock. I picked it up moved my head away from the window to see if the rusty bars can break, as soon as I hit it made a dent and I laughed knowing this window must've been really old if it dented real quick. I kept hitting it till I made a whole big enough for me to go through. I smiled and just as I was about to crawl out my body was immediately dragged back in and everything went black when my head hit the floor.

My eyes immediately shot open when I felt a cold sensation all over my body. I coughed out the cold water as more cold water was being splashed on me.

"What the fuck?!" I shouted wiping my wet hair away from my eyes.

"Awake now?!" I heard a voice shout as I looked up to see a very angry Lucas.

"Where the fuck-" I coughed looking around my surrounding to see I'm sitting in a bath tub.

"Your with me!" Lucas snaps pulling my hair to face him.

"The place your supposed to be! Aight! If you ever think about escaping again you'll be dead!" He growls as I slap him.

"Kill me then! Shit I don't give a fuck!" I shout staring at him as he glares at me.

"You ain't even worth it from now you stayin in my room where there's no way out, and there are no windows" he says dragging me out of the bathroom by my forearm.

He locked the bathroom door and threw me on the bed.

"You stay here I'm gonna come back later but the tv remote is over there and mah fridge is over there by the drawers" He says as I look at the mini black fridge by the drawers, I looked at the big flat screen tv and the remote on the end of the bed.

I turned to Lucas who was already out the door. I shrugged and turned the tv on. Spongebob came on as I laughed remembering how I loved to watch this show with my dad. Then my thoughts went back to what my dad said "remember what I told you on the first day of school"? Why did he say that I thought. I doze off remembering the first day of school

It was august, the sun was out and I was really scared of going inside the classroom. My dad had to go work but I wouldn't let go of his leg as I shook with fear. My dad bent down to my height as I pleaded for him to not leave.

"Don't leave daddy please!" I sobbed as he hugged me.

"Look at me baby" My dad says to me as he wipes my tears away.  

"Even though I have to leave , remember I'm always gonna be by your side wherever and whenever" He says putting a golden necklace around my neck.

There was something about the necklace that seemed to be more than just a necklace , I thought examining the gold necklace with my name on it with Diamondz (lol)

{end of flashback}

I woke up to the sound of guns and screaming. Then there was an explosion as the door was busted in. I sat up seeing Lucas, will, and five other guys run in and lock the door quickly.

"Here" Lucas says opening his drawers and taking out guns and bombs as I sit there confusedly,

They stood there strapping on guns and equipment in a huddle not noticing me there. I jumped off the bed and tried to walk towards the door and just as I unlocked the door I ran out. I bump into a hard chest as I looked up to see non other then...

Hello lol anywho yeah vote and comment for more :-)

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