Chapter 6

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"D-Dad?" I ask shockingly as he looks down at me.

"You got the message didn't you" He says with a smirk holding his hands out as He pulls me up.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as I see police running around trashing the Lucas place.

"After years of misleads of where the hide out was it was here, I remember this place" My dad as I look at him confusingly.

"What?" I asked as I hear gun shots and turn to see Lucas running towards my dad as Will throws me over his shoulder and runs outside.

"Put me down!?!?!?" I shout before I hear screeching and Will throws me into the back of a truck.

I hit my head on something hard as everything turns pitch black.


"Jezzabelle" I hear a familiar voice whisper as my eyes shoot open.

I look around to see I'm still in a moving vehicle but I'm handcuffed to a chain. I look forward to see Will holding a water bottle.

"Here yah go, you knocked your head on the box of rifles pretty hard" he chuckled nervously as I look past him to see Lucas and the other five guys,

"Where are we?" I asked as will pours some water in my mouth.

"One of our pick up trucks came and hauled us out of our hideaway since your father found us" He says as I gulp down the water.

"I don't know how he found our hide out, our hideouts been secret for like generations" Will says scratching his head as Lucas glares at us.

"Aight leave her alone" Lucas snaps as Will nods and walks away.

"Bye Will" I smile seeing that making Lucas angry worked as he sent a death glare at Will.

"Aight where we going now?" A good looking guy with a nice hair line and nice style asks Lucas.

"Tell Dillyn to stop the truck at the...." He whispered the rest into the guys ear before the guy scurries away.

"So what's the plan now?" A short guy with a beanie asks leaning against the wall,

They whisper in a huddle as I hear tires screeching as the truck comes to a stop. The truck doors open as the brightness burns my eyes. My sight goes dark as a bag is put over my head and I feel someone throw me over their shoulder. I see light through the little holes in the bag. It was about five minutes till the person carrying me stops and throws me onto something soft. The person pulls the bag off as I see Lucas throwing the bag on the floor before turning around to discard his weapons. I look around to see that we're in a room with baby blue cracked walls with a ceiling fan, barred window, bathroom, flat screen tv, king sized bed, and a closet. Lucas was putting on a white shirt as I stared at his tatted arms. He turned around as I looked away. When I turned He threw some clothes at me.

"Here I picked Whatevas at the mall" says putting a gun in the back of his pants,

"You got twenty minutes till I come back with some food for you, there's the shower" he says before walking out and locking the door.

I took a quick shower and looked at the clothes that he gave me. He got me a pink Victoria secret set of panty and bra. He got me black jeans with a tear in the knee, a white tank that said blood across the top, and a red bandana. I decided to hang the bandana loosely in my back pocket.

When I walked out the bathroom I see Lucas laying on the bed watching the news while eating Chinese  food.  He placed another plate of food next to him on the bed. I sighed as I grabbed the plate of food before I was grabbed and pulled roughly onto the bed.

"Look at what your dads doing" Lucas says gesturing to the tv with a firm grip on my forearm,

I looked at the tv to see my dad talking to the people of New York,

"Lucas Coly and his gang may have my daughter but what he doesn't have is dignity to come face me like a real man, but then again theirs a saying that goes like father like son" my dad says with a smirk before the news caster comes back on.

"Your dad's a fucking asshole" He says letting go of my arm as I look at the pink mark he left.

"It'll come off , now eat yo food cuz we can't stay here long" He says closing his plate and hopping off the bed.

"I'll come back when your done" Lucas says before leaving,

He left and is ate up the food and watched tv. Their was the news going on about Lucas and his gang, blah blah blah. Then after I finished my last orange chicken I heard unlocking and see Lucas walk in.

"Let's go" He says gesturing for me to go towards him.

I walked towards him and he grabbed my forearm, again. We walked down some stairs and I heard laughter, when we made a turn there was will and eight other guys there laughing. Lucas cleared his throat as they all stop laughing and stood up.

"Watch her while I go check on the weapons before we go" Lucas says before rushing off somewhere.

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