Chapter 17

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"Come on nigga" Vier slurred as he shrugged down another shot of whiskey as I rolled my eyes,

"Nigga shut yo ass up and go to sleep" I say wiping my guns as he gets up with a hiccup,

"Fine, stingy bitch" he laughs before fallin asleep on the bed,

Man shit boring af lemne call my boss to see when Im bout to get my mula. I dialed the number, the phone didnt even ring once before he picked up.

"What!" he snaps angrily as I roll my eyes,

"Look! Im done with this bullshit just give me my 10,000 so I can leave" I say frustratingly as I hear him chuckle,

"No you listen! The only way your gonna your 10,000 is when the jobs done aight!" he snaps as I sigh,

"Fine!" I snap,

"Oh and Nesto?" he asks amusingly,

"What?" I asked putting down my gun,

"Make sure my daughter doesnt get hurt" he says before I hang up.


"Yo why tf did you do that?" Jewel asks cleaning up Jordans banged up forehead,

"Man I dont know" Jordan says looking at his hands as Jewel gasps,

"Hold up! Hold up! Your in love wit her arent you!?" Jewel says slapping Jordans arm as he looks at him confusedly,

"I dont know? What does being in love feel like?" Jordan asks as Jewel looks at me with a smirk,

"What?" I asked taking a swig from my beer bottle,

"Nigga! You remember Irene?" he asks as they both look at me,

"Oh yeah that puerto rican bitch right?" I asked as my minds blurs from me having three bottles of beer,

"Nigga dont talk bout her like dat!" Jewel snaps before we all start burstin out in laughter,

"Well Jordan my light skin nigga" he says as Jordan leans back on the headboard of the bed, while Jewel sits on the chair next to him,

"I was in love with Irene the first time I layed eyes on her, not just cuz she had big titties and a big ass but" he says as we all laugh,

"Besides that she had a nigga feelin a type of way you know" he says as we nod,

"How did I know? Everytime I was with her made me feel all soft and shit inside, and being in a crew and shit that aint usual" he replys as we chuckle,

"Anywho, Everytime she smiled my heart melted, everytime I made her laugh I had butterflies, And when we kissed I knew then that that was the girl I wanted to spend my life with, and have a family wit. Just being around her made me feel some type of way, and I aint never had that with any chick so that all I can say mah nigga" he finishes as Jordan nods.

I felt what Jewel was talkin bout. Because not only was Jordan and Lucas in love wit her, but so was I.


Im hungry af! Aint nothin in dis damn fridge I swear. I just grabbed a beer can and popped it open before lookin at my boring roommates. I swear all deez niggas do is type away on their little laptops.

"Hey guys Im hungry you gonna call a pizza place or nah?" I asked as they looked up and looked back down,

Uhhh whatevers why'd I get stuck with these niggas! I walked out the room walking to Nestos sippin on my can. Just as I was about to barge in I heard Nestos voice.

"Just give me my 10,000 so I can leave" He says angrily as I eavesdrop on the door,

"Fine!" He snaps,

I wonder who he's talking to? And why does he want 10,000?

"What?" He says as a moment passed by before I heard him turn off his phone,

I walked back towards our door room quickly closing the door as the guys looked up.

"Whats up?" Armon asked as I sipped my beer can,

"Yo you guys can hack anything right?" I asked as they smiled widely and nodded,



I woke up needing to go to the bathroom. But before I could get up there was something holdin me down. I turned to see Lucas gripping my waist as I tried to get out of his grip. I grabbed a pillow and shifted it so it was in front of my waist. I slowly slid down from his arms as he snored peacefully. I watched as he snuggled into the pillow. I looked up at the clock on the wall seeing it was midnight. Wow, I woke up in the middle of the night, great. I saw that there was no bathroom in the fuckin room. What kinda hotel dont got a bathroom in the rooms? I remember there was those blue blathroom things outside. So I walked out of the room only to be met with a hard chest. I fell back before a hand grabbed my wrist.

"Aa-" before I screamed another hand covered my mouth,

I looked up to see a familiar face. I sighed as he shushed me letting go of my mouth.

"What are you doing out here?" I asked as he sighed,

"I was getting some air , you?" He asked lighting a blunt,

"I needed to pee" I laughed as he looked at me,

"What?" I asked before he chuckled,

"TMI Jezzabelle" he says as I hit his chest playfully,

He blew a couple O's before looking at me again,

"You want some?" He asks as I shrug and he gives it to me,

"Oh my god!" I coughed after taking a puff as he chuckled again,

"First time?" He asked taking the blunt as I nod while coughing my lungs out,

"You know Jezzabelle , after all this shit I wonder how no one asked you how your taking all this" he says looking at me as I fell into thought,

"What are you thinking about?" He asked as I noticed he was an inch away from my body,

"Ummm I dont really know" I say backing up as he steps forward,

"What are y-" before I finished his lips landed on mine as I tried to push him away,

"Nesto stop!" I screamed as he gripped my waist pullig me towards him as he plunged his tongue down my throat,

Tears streamed down my face as his hands roamed my body, I tried to push him away but he was to strong. Suddenly-

Hey guys just wanted to tell you guys that I wont be able to update the next chapter till you guys vote on my new book "The gang leader wants me" :) Ok vote on it and I'll update plz ♡

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