Chapter 12

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I don't know why but I felt something inside me when I layed with Jezzabelle. She fell asleep as I watched her lightly sleeping. I watched her peacefully sleeping in my arms. I don't know but a strange thought kept into my mind, that I was supposed to be here, right now, with this girl. She had something on me and I didn't want it to stop. I think there's some feelings, but I can't stop them. I've never felt this way about anybody, the only person I've ever felt this feeling with was my father, he was my only happiness in life, and ever since he died I never felt that feeling till right now. I feel as if I'm supposed to look over this angel in my arms right now. I've done many bad things in my life that I can never forget, but when I look at her she has a way of making me forget.

I watched her sleep before my phone vibrated.

"What's up" I answered,

"The stuff is here" Vier replies lowly,

"Aight I'll come down" I say before hanging up,

I slowly slid off Jezzabelle carefully, so I don't wake her up. I kissed her forehead before heading out. It was a silent ride to the lobby, I walked out to see my boys still watching surveillance.

"The trucks out there but they said only take one of us with you" Will says as I look around,

"Troy!" I snapped as Dillyn walks by my side,

We walked out together as the delivery of weapons was parked out front. I slowly opened the truck but as the truck door slid open there was a surprise as I heard nine gun shots before I blacked out hearing Dillyn shouting.


I awoke to the sun escaping through the open patio door. I smiled as the warm breeze hit my face. My smile disappeared when I turned to see the other side of the bed empty. I guess her had to take care of business I thought before walking inside the bathroom. I took a hot shower, before digging through the drawer full of clothes. I picked out black jeans, a grey sweater, and grey pumas. I put my hair up in a messy bun before walking out to the elevator. Damn, it's really quiet in the hotel , I wonder where the guys were. After the door opened I was met with guns pointed at me as I put my hands up.

"Shit Shawty! Don't do dat!?" Dillyn snaps as I look to see he has a black eye, bruised lip, and cut cheek,

"What happened to your face!?" I gasped as he shook his head and walks away with me on the trail,

"Hello!? What happened!?" I asked as we passed by the lobby which was a mess and had bullet holes on the walls,

"We didn't know" he says as I follow him into a room,

"Know what?" I asked as he opened a red door showing all the guys covered in bruise, sweat, and blood here and there,

"Did you guys get attacked or something!?" I asked looking at their bandages and stitches,

"We're aight, I think the only one to worry bout is Lucas" Golden says holding his rib,

"Lucas!? Where!?" I screamed in panic,

"He's in there bu-" Vier didn't even finish his sentence before I busted through the grey metal door,

I gasped as I see Lucas on a bed with a monitor that shows his heart beat. He had a bandage on his left cheek, and the rest of his boy was bandaged with blood shown clearly. He was laying there unconscious as I cried next to his body.

"It's okay Jezzabelle" Will says soothing me as I sobbed,

"What happened?" I asked looking at Lucas,

"Your dad-" I cut him off by walking out,

"Vier give me your phone" I say walking into the room as they all look at me surprised,

"What?" He asks confusedly,

"Let me see your phone" I demanded as he hesitated before tossing me his iPhone 6 plus,

"What are-" I walked out before Vier finished his sentence,

I sighed before dialing the number. It rang once before I heard the recognizable chuckle,

"How is my favorite daughter holding up?" He says as I can see the smile on his face right now,

:o omfg!! Anyways vote and comment for more ;)

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