Chapter 18

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I was lazily having a dream about Jezzabelle. We were on a beach and I guess it was our honeymoon. She sat next to me on the sand countin our dough together. I smiled but my smile faded when Jezzabelle screamed. But that wasnt what scared me, it was the fact that the scream sounded to realistic. I woke up in my sweat as I looked around for Jezzabelle. She wasnt in the bed so I stomped towards the door and I was pissed at the sight in front of me.

I grabbed him by his shirt and ripped him off of Jezzabelle as she screams in fear. I turned to see Nesto looking at me with a smirk.

"You know I hope when I fuck her , her other pair of lips tastes as sweet as the ones I just kissed" he says with a chuckle as I lose control,

"Lucas!" I hear Jezzabelle scream as I punch his jaw and kneed him in the torso,

"Lucas!" I hear vier call as I punch his face over and over seeing nothing but red,

"Stop!" Curtis shouts trying to pull me off as I let go of all the anger in my body,

"Man fuck off!" Curtis yells pushing me off without a punch to my jaw,

"Look I know what Nesto did was wrong! But he still my little brother" He says backing me up from Nestos unconscious body,

"What happened?" Vier says holding Jezzabelle,

"Man fuck off!" I snapped grabbing Jezzabelles arm and pulling her towards me,

"Yo you need t-" before vier finished I slammed the hotel room door,

Jezzabelle tried to get out of my hold as I slammed her against the door.

"Please dont hurt me" she sobs as I glare at her,

"Dont fucking leave anywhere without me!" I growled as she nods her head quickly,

I let go of her hands and picked her up by the back of her thighs, throwing her over my shoulder.

"Where are we going?" she asks as I open the door,

"Lets go!" I announced as they follow,

"Lucas I need to talk to you" Trey says as I place Jezzabelle in the passenger seat,

"What!?" I snapped turning around,

"Nesto, he.." he drags along as I roll my eyes,

"He what?!" I snap,

"Well curtis went to go talk to nesto, after like five minutes he come back talkin bout us hackin nestos phone and then-" before he finished I walked to the other side of the car jumping in,

"Lucas! He works for Mr.Big!" he screams as I close my door,

"What!" I say jumping out and pulling out my pistol,

"Wait! What are you doing!?" I hear Armon shout as I push curtis and within seconds Nesto's chest had five bullet holes in it,

"What the fuck?!" Curtis gasps holding his brothers dead body,

"Hurry up and be ready to leave in 5" I say walking away as the guys try their best to not show emotions to what happened,

I strapped up in the car before turning the ignition on. I saw the headlights of the other two cars behind me before I started on my way.


"Lucas" I say slowly as Lucas drove without a care in the world,

"Yeah baby?" He asks turning to me with a smile,

"Im sorry" I say playing with my hands,

"For what?" he asks sittin back in his seat,

"For this! For everything! Lucas I never should've met you! Everything bad happened when I met you guys! Nesto woul still ne here if I wasnt here! I hate being here! You should've killed me the first time you got!" I rant noticing the tears falling down my face Lucas stopped the car with a screech,

"Dont ever say that! I would never kill you! Even if Nesto did die he deserved it! He was a traitor!" He snaps back gripping my forearm,

He let go of my forearm and gripped the steering wheel before continuing to drive as if nothing happened.

"Traitor?" I asked confusedly,

"Nesto was working with your father this whole time" Lucas says calmly as I frowned,

"Oh" I say looking out the window,

"Im sorry, for letting my father do all this shit to you guys" I say as my eyes were slowly falling asleep,

Before my eyes closed completely I heard Lucas whisper.

"Im sorry for trying to make you love me" that was the last thing I heard before I drifted off to sleep.

|Unknowns Pov|

She fell asleep. Now its the time. The motorcycle taking me the same speed as the moving vehicle with my baby in it. I couldn't wait till my baby was back in my arms. I waited to long for this moment. I knew I was hardly there for my baby but I am now. To make sure my babys safe and sound. When I heard what happened I knew I had to intervene. Besides every bad thing I did I needed to be here.

Just as the car turned my men darted all of Lucas crew. Putting them fast asleep. I got my best people to dart a person through a moving vehicle. The cars as screeched as the nails on the street I had set up stopped the cars or else they'd crash.

I gestured my men to take the sleeping bodies into the trucks. Finally I had my baby back in my arms.

Omfg :0 Who tf?! Vote and comment for more :)

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