Chapter 15

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I was looking out at the houses we passed by. I turned to see Lucas thinking about something. I knew he was mad at me but I cant just sit around and wait for him to forgive me. Just then an idea popped up. Vier was telling me when we were walking that Lucas didnt like the fact of us talking.

"Lucas?" I ask looking at him as he stays staring at the road.

"Lucas?" I pleaded as he ignores me and turns on the radio,

"Fine, if your not gonna talk to me can I at least talk to vier or Jordan?" I ask with a hint of excitement as he stops the car with a loud screech.

"No! You dont get to talk to Vier! Or anyone else besides me!" He snaps glaring at me as I roll my eyes and cross my arms on my chest,

"Dont fucking roll your eyes at me!" He demands before he continues the drive,

"Fine! If I only get to talk to you then answer me! Dont ignore me!" I snap back as he growls while his knuckles turn white from clenching the wheel,

"Where are we going?" I asked looking out the window,

"To your fathers warehouse" he says with a sigh as I look at people passing by,

"Are you still mad at me?" I asked touching his arm as he froze,

"No" he answers looking at me as I smile,

"You hungry?" He asks looking forward,

"Sorta" I say with a shrug,

"Aight" he says before making a turn at a cafe,

"Lets go" he says jumping out as I open the door,

I was going to get down till I saw how far I was from the floor. Lucas was gonna go in before he turned my way. He chuckled as I mean mugged him. The guys ran in as he walked back towards me.

"What happened? To short to reach the bottom?" He asked with a smirk as I roll my eyes,

"Im juste une blague permettez- moi de vous aider" he says with a smirk as I look at him in confusion, (Translate:Im just kidding let me help)

"You speak french?" I ask as he smiles,

"Oui" he replys with a wink as I blush,(Translation:Yes)

"Come here" he says with his hands out as I look at him with that wtf look,

"Im not gonna do anything , just let me help you down" he says coming closer as I shake my head,

"No!" I snapped like a little girl as he looks at me with amusement before grabbing my waist and throwing me over his shoulder,

"No! Put me down!" I screamed hitting his back as he chuckles while walking into the cafe,

"Aww now dats relationship goals" Armon says with a jamaican accent as I hear the guys laughing,

"You want me to put you down the ok" he says putting me down on the table as I cross my arms,

"Aww look shes so cute when shes mad" Vier says pinching my cheek as I glare at him,

"Leave me alone!" I snapped as they all awed and I roll my eyes,

"Here guys watch her for me Ima go order us some pancakes okay" he says pinching my cheek as I slap his hand,

"Aww hows your man?" Armon says as I sit next to him,

"Hes not my man" I say rolling my eyes as he eats his waffles,

"Not yet" he says with a wink as I poke my tongue out and laugh,

"No!" Lucas snaps lifting me up as Armon puts up his hands,

"Mine!" He says sitting down and putting me on his lap,

"What?" I ask as he wraps his arms around me,

"Your mine! So dont talk him" He says glaring at Armon as he laughs,

"Your weird" I say rolling my eyes as he puts his head in the crook of my neck,

"You do know your mine right?" Lucas says cutting the pancakes as I look at him like hes crazy,

"Are you okay? Did you get a fever or something?" I ask as he smiles,

"Nah, just happy to be spending time with my girlfriend" he says taking a bite from the pancakes,

"Girlfriend? Boi!" I snapped tryna get uo but gets pulled back with his arms keeping me in place on his lap,

"Woah! Trouble in paradise" Vier says with a smirk as the guys laugh,

"Oh my gosh we're bot dating!" I snapped as Lucas grips my waist tighter,

"Actually we just started" he says hi-fiving Armon as I look at all of them confusedly,

"No! I never said we were so we're not!" I snapped before a lady came up to us with a buch o cameras,

"Hello! Jezzabelle Johnson how does it feel like to be kidnapped from your fathers gang and placed into one with your now boyfriend" She asked as I looked at Lucas smiling,

"Well My baby here is speechless but her father would be very happy to see that his daughter is very happy with the leader of the most feared gang" He says as I look at him still confused,

"We love each other very much" he says kissing my cheek as the news reporters ohh and aww,

"That'll be all, we'd love to stay but you know me and Jezzabelle gotta get to working on those grandbabies" he says as everyone cheers and he picks me up bridal style while the cameras are still on us,

He carried me out of the cafe with the reporters still recording and taking pictures.

"They still there?" He whispered to me as I nod confusedly,

"Aight lets make our amazing getaway" he says as I look at him still fricken confused,

He put me down next to te hummer and leaned down as I froze. He caressed my cheek before kissing me lustfully as I hesitate before kissing him back. I enjoyed the kiss as the cameras flashed.

Omfg what?!! What the jesus just happened :o Vote and comment for more :)♡

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