Chapter 13

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"Cut the bullshit dad! I want your ass right here right now!" I snapped hearing his chuckle,

"Baby, Im already there. I've always been with you , you just didnt mind to look at what's around your neck" he replies as I look down to see my necklace with a red dot on it,

I looked towards the place the dot was coming from, to see people outside with guns pointed at the hotel we're in.

"If you havent notice baby, your necklace has a chip in it that shows me everywhere you go" He says with a dark laugh,

I gasped before ripping off the necklace and throwing it to the ground as it breaks into pieces.

"Dont bother bout that , I have the place surrounded with armed guys that are gonna shoot down this hotel on my command, so-" before he finished I cut him off,

"What?! B-but Im your daughter ho-" but he cut me off,

"Oh trust me, I only put you there as a distraction, I suspected Lucas would have a special spot for you, and my suspicious was correct, as always" he says swiftly,

"Oh and uh before you guys are gunned down I may have put our conversation through the speakers in the room where Lucas is right now" he says as i turn to see Lucas limp body standing at the door with the gang,

"Guys I-" before I finished Lucas put his hand up to silence me,

"I thought I cpuld trust you" He says as tears flowed down his face,

"I didn-" I started,

"No! I fucking trusted you and you treat me like dis!" He snaps as I shed a few tears,

"I didnt know he was doing this okay! He-" Before I finished Lucas walked back into the room as the guys followed him with their heads hung low,

"Is this what you wanted?! Huh?! To ruin my life?! Well you got it DAD! I fucking hate you!" I snapped into the phone as tears rolled down my cheeks,

"Trust me honey, you sound exactly like your mother before I man handled her and had you, the mistake" He laughed,

"No, the only mistake you made, was ever calling me your daughter" I say before hanging up,


We walked back into the room as Lucas limped towards the bed,

"Maybe she was j-" Before I finished lucas had already slammed the door in my face,

"Ok then" I say to myself before sitting down,

"Do you guys really think Jezzabelle set us up? I mean she didnt even know about her father having a crew in the first place" I say as all the guys looked at me,

"I just think Lucas is going a little overboard with the whole I trusted you thing" I say as they chuckled,

Just then the door opened as we look up to see Jezzabelle,

"What? You guys are just gonna sit there and get gunned down or are you gonna help me find a way to get outt here without my dad knowing?" she says looking at us as we all hesitated before following her out the room,

"Ok so I was diggong around this place and found a secret tunnel that led somewhere underneath the basement of the hotel, if you go through there we'll end up just as far away from my father as possible" She says showing us a map of the hotel,

"Where'd you find this?" Trey asked looking at the map in amusement,

"It was underneath the informant desk" She says with a laugh,

"Its only way out right?" Jordan asks looking at the tunnel,

"Wait, look" Will says pointing to the end of the tunnel,

"It would take us ten miles towards the borderline of Detroit" Golden says,

"Aight then lets pack it up" A voice says behind us as we all see Lucas dressed up and strapped up already,

"Boss the doc says you need t-" Before golden finished Lucas already brought out the things we needed to travel.

He gave out everyones weapons and bullet vests, he made us carry the boxes of other weapons as we walked towards the basement. He didnt even take a single glance at Jezzabelle as she stared at him walking in front of us.

"Ok lets go" Will says breaking the wood pieces covering the tunnel.

He gave us all flashlights and made our way through. I was walking holding a box of guns as I turned to see Jezzabelle looking at Lucas, who was in the front  rearranging his gun over and over.

"Hey" I whispered nudging her shoulder as she looked up at me,

"He'll get over it" I winked as she sighs,

"I dont know Vier, he's right, I was the reason why my dad shot him, and maybe the reason why his dad is g-" before she finished I stopped walking,

"Jezzabelle, never take fault on yourself if you aint one thousand percent sure it was, ok" I say holding the box in one arm and putting my arm around her,

"Bu-" I cut her off,

"The only butts here is yours, babe" I say looking back as she slaps my chest playfully,

"Hey, you got a lil nicki minaj in dea babe, aint nothing wrong dat" I say lowering my arm as she laughs and pushes my arm,

I didnt want her to feel sorry about what Lucas did so I kept her busy by saying random pick up lines.

"You can call me "the fireman" mainly cuz I turn the hoes on" I say with a smirk as she giggles,

"I hear your good in algebra, wanna replace my ex without asking Y?" I say as she bursts out laughing,

"Im an astronaut and my next mission is to go to URANUS" I say licking my lips looking her up and down as she dies of laughter.

While she was laughing I felt eyes on me as I turned to see Lucas glaring at me my chuckle died down.

Lmfao :) Pick up lines on point right? Anywho yeah vote and comment for more to see what Lucas does ;)

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