Chapter 22

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After we all got suited up in the black and white clothes Jeffrey left us on the table we slipped on the black shoes he gave us. The guys got black combat boots while I got black boots with heels tf? Anywho yeah the guys got black and white army pants and jackets while I got black and white army shorts with a black and white cropped tank. I stared at my clothes in confusion before looking up to see the guys staring at me. I noticed my shorts went exactly below my ass and the cropped tank showed my cleavage more then I expected. The black heels that went over my knees were literally like stripper heels. Who tf chose these clothings?

"Stop staring at her I'd shoot you guys in the balls!" Lucas snaps before wrapping an arm around my waist from behind,

"Aight" Dillyn chuckles as I noticed him, Lucas, Vier, and Jordan were wearing black tanks and had black paint on their cheeks,

I turned around in Lucas arms as he looked down at me with a spark in his eyes as I smiled. I kissed him as he kissed me back hungrily, I took that moment to bring my hands to his cheeks and tracing the black paint onto my fingers. I pulled back and made two paint marks on my cheeks as he chuckled.

"If we weren't going to war right now, I'd tear dat ass up right now" He whispers in my ear as my face turned red,

"If yalls would stop dry hunping each other back there, I'd like to take yalls to the vehicles right now" Jeffrey says as my face turned even hotter then before,

"Your cute when you blush" Lucas says before patting my but and turning us around to follow Jeffrey,

"Now you three go towards the truck down that way" Jeffrey says as Curtis, Armon, and Trey follow towards a group of five guys going into a truck,

"You four follow my man Tom over there into their truck" He says as Jordan,Vier, Jewel, and Will follow Tom,

"And you three ride with us" Jeffrey smiles at me,Lucas, and Dillyn,

"We have a coordinate plan to take down your father, but your gonna have to listen. Can you do that?" Jeffrey says turning to me as I scoff,

"Duh" I say crossing my arms as they laugh,

"What?!" I snapped as they laugh even more,

"You hardly listen to anything Lucas says, how the fuck you goin listen to what dis nigga says?" Dillyn asks as they chuckle,

"Fuck you!" I snapped before Lucas wraps his arm around my waist,

"The only person you'll be fucking is me" He says into my ear as I roll my eyes,

"Ok, Now lets go before that happens" Jeffrey says covering his eyes as we chuckle,

We followed Jeffrey to a black SUV that had Lucas mom in the passenger seat. Jeffrey jumped into the driver seat as Me, Lucas, and Dillyn squeeze behind them turning to see Two buff guys holding guns behind us. They looked to me and smiled before facing forward with their straight face as I tried not to laugh.

"Ok guys when we get there remember to let the first group go in" Jeffrey says looking at me through the side mirror,

"How many groups are there?" I asked leaning next to him since I was sitting between Dillyn and Lucas,

"Curious child. I love you even more as my soon to be daughter in law" Lucas mom says as I smile before being pulled into Lucas lap,

"There are seven groups of twenty men each, they will go in every three minutes after each. Our group will be the last. For your protection" Jeffrey says winking at me through the mirror as I roll my eyes,

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