The ending :'(

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"Lucas? Are you okay?" I asked as he stared at me with a creepy smile,

"We did it" he said happily jumping up and down as I stared at him confusedly,

"What did we do exactly?" I asked watching him laugh,

"Your dad , hes gone. Now we can be happy together" he says lifting me up as I shriek,

"I love you Jezzabelle" he says kissing me as I froze in surprise,

"Woah!" I heard Vier shout as I turned seeing him, Armon & Trey, Will, Jewel, Curtis, and Jordan walk in with smirks as I roll my eyes,

"So when am I gonna wear my best man suit man?" Vier asks patting Lucas on the back as he chuckles,

"Soon" Lucas says looking me as I blush pulling away from him and sitting on the couch,

"So Jezzabelle when am I gonna be a uncle?" Armon asks as I roll my eyes and he laughs,

"Hey! I expect your first son to have my name!" he says with a fake gasp as the guys laugh and sit around us,

"I see everything finein here" we turned to see Lucas mom standing at the door with a smile,

"Yeah till you got here" Lucas says with a scoff before I hit his chest and walk to his mom,

"Yes we're very happy Ms.Coly" I say with a smile as she laughs,

"Oh dont call me that, you make me seem old, even though I am" she laughs as I smile,

"Just call me Lidia or mom" She says with a nervous laugh as I laugh,

"Jezzabelle dont talk to her!" Lucas snaps behind me as I glare at him,

"Its okay , I'll j-" before she finished I cut her off,

"No, ok Lidia your staying. Your son over here needs to remember that he wouldnt be here without you and as his mother you deserve to be happy with us" I say glaring at Lucas as he sighs defeatedly and I smile,

"Okay so theres so much to talk about! I need a mother daughter day to spend with my future daughter in law" she says jumping with a smile as I laugh,

"Definitely" I say as she shrieks with happiness,

"Since I never got married I've saved my mothers wedding dress just for you" She says laughing before running out the door as I laugh,

"Jezzabelle" Jeffrey says walking in as I smile up at him,

"Yes" I laughed,

"I think theres someone you need to talk to" He says behind the door as I look behind him seeing a beat up Dillyn,

"Go distract Lucas and them and I'll talk to him" I say pushing Jeffrey into the room before closing the doors,

"Im sorry" Dillyn says looking down as I shrug and hug him,

He froze before letting me hug him in confusion. I know, why am I hugging a guy that just shot me a few moments ago? Well Im not one to hold grudges so I forgive and forget easily lol. I mean come on if I could forgive a gangleader that kidnapped me and fell in love me , I can forgive a guy that shot me, espicially after he lost his true love.

"Why?" He asks after I pull away,

"What do you mean why? I forgive you" I say patting his shoulder as he sheds a tear,

"But-" before he finished I cut him off,

"No buts. I forgive you, if you havent shot me my dad would've killed me anyways" I say with a shrug as he looks down with a frown,

"Come on, cheer up" I say putting my arm around his shoulder before we walk into the room together,

"Jezzabelle!" Lucas snaps as he lunges towards Dillyn before I step in front of him,

"No! You two are bestfriends! I want you guys to make up ok! I dont want you two to start hating each other because of me! Just forgive and forget shit!" I snapped throwing my hands up frustratingly as Lucas and dillyn look at me with wide eyes,

"Lucas" I warned with a glare as he stared at me before turning to Dillyn,

"Im sorry" he says scratching the back of his neck as I turned to Dillyn,

"Im sorry" Dillyn replies as I smile,

"Great! Now kiss and hug" I say with a smile as they look at me angrily,

"Ok! I was just kidding" I say putting my hands up in defense as the room fills with laughter,

"Wanna beer?" Lucas asks putting his arm around Dillyn as Dillyn wipes a tear and nods with a smile,

"Ok! This is it" Lidia says running into the room as we all stare at the lady holding a wedding dress up like a maniac smile,

"Mom, I think you need to calm down" Lucas says sipping a beer with Dillyn as Lidia gasp before walking towards Lucas and his eyes widen,

"Oh my gosh you just called me mom!" She shrieked before hugging him as he looks at me for help before we all burst out laughing,

"I love this mother and son moment right now" Lidia says patting Lucas head,

"So much that Im gonna write it down in my diary" she says before running upstairs as we all laugh till our stomachs hurt,

I smiled as I looked at how my life changed. It went from living with my father, to being kidnapped, to falling in love with Lucas, my father trying to kill us, then we meet Lucas mom, then kill my dad, and now Im surrounded with the people I love having fun with each other. It was a long ride to get here but after all of it we ended up together happily. And I love it.

~The End~

Omfg!!!! ^~^ My book is now finished and Im so sad but happy at the same time lmfao :) I just wanna say thank you to all the votes, reads, and comments <3 Now that this book is finished I would like you guys to check out my new books ;) Such as "Imagines" Which is where I make imagines about lucas, vier, lex, and etc... Then theres my other book "The gangleader wants me" about a gangleader that falls in love with a girl thats being abused :O Then theres "The mate that all the alphas want" about werewolves lol ¿? And at last my new book "Mine" about a gangleader who wants nothing but his angel who is a innocent daughter of another gangleader ;] Go check them out ¬_¬

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