Chapter 10

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"Lucas?" I say waking up to hear noises,

I turn to see Lucas facing the other way not turning around. I got up and touched his arm and he turned around with a growl as I fell back on the bed staring at him with fear as his chest heaves up and down quickly.

"Lucas your scarin me" I say backing away as he glares at me with anger and venom in his bulging eyes,

"Boss!" Will calls out as Lucas turns around and rush out the door.

Wtf? I've never seen that side of Lucas, ever. I look around to see I was in a nice hotel. There was literally like expensive looking things everywhere. I stood up and looked around seeing a 80' inch flat screen, big ass patio, paintings by Da Vinci, diamond drawers, golden toilet, a tv in the bathroom, a jacuzzi in the bathroom with a seat in the shower, a queen sized bed, queen sized bed, a mini fridge next to the bed filled with sodas, and a cupboard on top of the bed filled with candy and chips like wtf!? ~0~

"Jezzabelle" I heard as I turn around with a gummy worm in my mouth,

"What the fuck?" Vier chuckled as I laugh,

"Hey I'm hungry" I say as he rolls his eyes with a smirk,

"Anyways, We're having pizza and fried chicken downstairs let's go" he says as I walk out with him,

"Where are we?" I ask as we walk into the elevator,

"Some hotel Lucas found to rest for da night we got a long way to find your dad" He says pushing the bottom floor,

"Why is Lucas after my dad?" I ask as Vier looks at me seriously,

"We'll I'm not supposed to say shit but watevas, ok so when Lucas was a kid your dad's crew killed him for some strange reason, then after wards just a few while ago Lucas found out it was your dads crew so now here we are" He says quickly as I stare at him in confusion,

"My dad's crew?" I ask in confusion,

"Yeah your dad has this lil crew thinking they bloods and shit and try to kill us but you know, Lucas just like his daddy and knows how to lead our crew to victory!" he says victory like a gladiator as I laugh and the elevator door opens to see Everyone staring at us,


"I got the pizza" Armon screams as I chuckle,

"I got the fried chicken" Trey yells as we all fixed the table,

"Vier go get Jezzabelle" I said to Vier as he nods and runs upstairs,

"Aight eat up" I say as they all start stuffing their faces,

"Aye Lucas" Armon says as I turn,

"Pass da ranch will yuh?" he says with his mouth full as I chuckle,

"I found da shiz" Nesto yells coming out of the kitchen with boxes of beer and liquor,

"Nigga hold up" Golden chuckles trailing along holding all of the boxes and almost falling down,

"Aight chill" Jordan chuckles grabbing the boxes.

The elevator dinged as we all turn to see Jezzabelle and Vier laughing. I don't know why but my blood boiled just seeing them together, they looked at us and quiet down.

"Come on niggas" Will says grabbing their arms and pulling them towards the table,

"Woah someone's mad" Armon says nudging my arm,

"What?" I ask looking at him as he smirks,

"Don't what me! You like her don't you?" He asks with a smirk,

"No!" I snap as he chuckles,

"You can't deny faith" He says wiggling his eyebrows before laughing and walking away,

"Lucas get ova hea" Dillyn says as I walk over to see them playing truth or dare,

"Aight hold up" Will laughs before spinning a empty champagne bottle,

"Aha" Will laughs as the bottle stops on Jewel,

"Truth or dare?" he asks him with a smirk,

"Truth" He says with a laugh,

"Aha what a pussy" Vier chuckles,

"Is it true dat you sucked dick before?" will asks as Everyone looks at Jewel,

"Maybe once or-" He started before everyone busted out laughing,

"Nasty ass nigga" Will chuckles as Jewel shrugs,

"At least I admitted it" He says with a laugh,

"Alright let's go again" Will says spinning the bottle,

"Ohhh" He laughs as the bottle stops on Jezzabelle,

"Truth or dare?" he asks with a smirk,

"Dare Cuz I ain't no pussy" she says as Jewel laughs,

"I dare you to make out with the hottest guy in the room right now" Will says with a smile as Jezzabelle shrugs and gets up, Everyone stared at her as she wandered around the room before grabbing Jordan and smashed her lips onto him.

"Woah" Will laughs as everyone oohs,

"Damn mamacita" Vier hooted as she straddles Jordan's lap and continues the make out cession,

"Ok that enough!" I snap as she pulls away and everyone stares at me,

"Somebody's Jelly" Armon laughs as I glare at him,

"I was ju-" she started as I cut her off,

"Go to your room!" I snapped as she rolled her eyes,

"You can't tell me what to do! Your not my dad!" She snapped,

I walked towards her pulled out my gun and pulled the trigger...

Omfg :o lmfao anyways vote and comment for more :)

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