Chapter 20

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After Lucas mom took off the handcuffs and left Lucas sobbed his eyes out not even caring how loud he was. He sobbed and layed down bawling his eyes out while holding onto me for dear life. I could barely breath before he decided to cling onto my waist while I soothe his back. He laid there with his arms never leaving my waist and his eyes never stopping the water coming out.

We laid there for a few hours before I heard the light snores coming from the overgrown teen clinging to my waist. Even though I wanted to stay here with him I was getting hungry.

His arms loosened when I kissed his forehead. He slowly let go as I rolled off the bed. I walked into a bathroom as I looked at myself. Ughh I look I've been living in a cave for ages before finally coming out. I splashed water on my face before walking out the bedroom doors. When I closed the door behind me I bumped into a wall, oh wait nvm it wasnt a wall. I thought looking up to see a very big scary lookin nigga staring down at me. This nigga was like 7 feet shit. He had a big ass scar on his face that came from the corner of his left eyebrow down to the right corner of his chin. And including the stitches under his right eye. Omfg is this frankenstein?!

"Where are you going?" He asked gripping the pistol in his right hand.

"I was hungry" I say in fear as he raised his hand,

I covered my face waiting for the pain when he put his hand on my shoulder and let out a rugged chuckle. I looked up seeing his golden teeth smile. I stared at him in confusion as he shook me by my shoulder, still laughing.

"Why didn't you say so?" He asked before grabbing my hand in his humongous hand and pulling me to an elevator,

While we waited for the elevator he looked at me and laughed.

"Oh yeah, almost forgot. Named Jeffrey" He said putting his hand out as I smile and shook it almost crushing my hand,

"Jezzabelle" I say with a smile as the elevator dings and I see two buff guys in suits looking at me as if I was a piece of meat,

"This is the boss daughter in law" Jeffrey says with a glare as their eyes widened and looked down fast,

"Daughter in law? Im not married?" I say as the guys walked past us quickly,

"Not yet" He says as we walk in the elevator,

"What do you mean?" I asked as he pushed the number 1 button,

"Well, our boss is your boyfriends mom, and since you guys are together there's no way my boss is ever gonna let you go" He says as the elvator opens,

"What does that mean?" I asked as we walked out and faced each other,

"It means my boss is already starting a list of baby names that would fit both you and your boyfriends description. Literally she hired us to watch every thing you and him did together and she almost fainted happily when she saw you guys on the news kissing" he says as we walk around the corner,

I nodded awkwardly as I took in our surroundings. I looked up at the white ceiling and white walls. There were white vases on his wall with white roses and paintings of beautiful black and white landscapes on each wall as well. When we walked closer to an open room on the end of the hallway I heard voices. When we walked inside a room full of well suited, buff men eyed me as I see Jeffrey glare at them,

"Eyes off! This is the boss's daughter in law!" As soon as he said that the men looked away fast,

"Why are they doing that?" I asked as Jeffrey led me to a stool next to a guy that looked about my age,

"Because if one of them attempted to get at you, boss would kill them in less then a heart beat" He says with a wink before digging through the fridge before turning to see the guy next to me staring,

"Hi" I said with a smile as he looked away,

"In Jezzabelle whats your name?" I asked as he looked up as I took in his features,

He was light skin, had light brown eyes, big plump lips, short black hair, and a very nice jawline. He was wearing a black tee, a gold chain, grey sweats, and black roches.

"Names erick" He said putting his hand out as I almost melted at his deep voice,

"Im Jezzabelle" I say with a smile as he smirks while looking me up and down,

"Eyes up here dumbass!" Jeffrey says pointing at my face as Erick chuckles,

"I know where the pretty lady's eyes are, I mean who wouldn't their gorgeous" He says looking at me as I felt my face turning red,

"Yeah, and a big bullet between your head would look gorgeous too" Jeffrey says with a smile before turning around as I try not to laugh,

"How come your not wearing a suit and keeping your eyes off me like them?" I asked as he laughed,

"Well first off, Im not one of them, Im only here because their boss is my aunt" He says as Jeffrey side glanced me with a chuckle,

"Second of all its kinda hard to keep my eyes off of a fine lookin young lady sitting right next to me" He says with a wink as I feel the heat in my cheeks again,

"I'll show you how to keep your eyes off whats mine!" I hear a deep voice snapped as my eyes widened.

Ohhhh shiit! Anywho vote and comment for more!!! On this story and the vier one, as well as the other two story ;)

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