Chapter 8

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I walked into the room to see the guys in order and Jezzabelle staring at me confusedly.

"What are you waiting for let's go, let's not wait for the grass to grow" I command as they get prepared to leave,

"Come on" I say grabbing Jezzabelle by her arm and dragging her out of the room into the other room.

"Here put this on" I say giving her my black hoodie.

She put it on as I strapped up, and I turned around to see Jezzabelle wearing the big hoodie as I chuckled. The sweater was twice her size as it went just above her knees and the sleeves fell a little bit over her hips.

"What are you laughing at?" She asks putting her arms up causing the sleeves to go down.

"Hey we're ready boss" Vier says poking his head in before looking at Jezzabelle with a wink and left,

I looked at Jezzabelle to see her blushing.

"Come on" I say getting angry for some reason,

I grabbed her arm and pulled her through the tunnels as she squirmed and whined about me being to rough with her. I chuckled thinking of being rough then shook my head, she's my bait not sex toy, maybe... But my thoughts were interrupted when I felt her pulling away as I turned to see her looking in one of the rooms that we passed by in the tunnel. I looked the way she was trying to get away from and it was the torture room. I don't know why but the guy that let us stay in this hideout had a torture iron set up for his victims. I don't know the guy but I do know that he was one of the biggest wanted murderers in the world and also one of my dad's closest friends. I guess Jezzabelle must've thought I was going to lead her into there but I pulled her away from the room as she held my arm against her shaking body. I don't know why but I felt a feeling in my stomach when she held onto me. I shook my head as we walked out of the tunnel. This girl got something on me...


After we got out of the tunnel I saw four big black hummers with shiny wheels waiting. There was a black SUV in between them as they were lined up in a straight line. Lucas pulled me into the black SUV.

"It's gonna be a long drive so get comfy" He says before jumping in the drivers seat and started the car,

I looked next to me to see a box of beer and chips. I turned away and stared out the window seeing plain earth around with no buildings or anything. I sighed as the car ride took forever.

4 hours later,

"I'm thirsty" I say with a groan,

"There's beer right dea" he says still focusing on the road.

"I don't drink alcohol" I say crossing my arms,

"We'll then die of thirst shit" He says with annoyance in his voice,

I sighed and looked out to see the sun setting. I don't wanna be here, I wanna be back in home with my dad, my walk in closet, my bunny Oreo, my queen sized bed, my friends, and for once I actually miss going to school, my thoughts were interrupted when the car came to a stop.

"Let's go" He says pulling me out of the car by my arm again.

"Where are we?" I ask looking in front of me to see what it looks like an abandoned warehouse.

Lucas dragged me through the door to see that it was actually a store with tons of food, drinks, and stuff. I stared at the stacks and boxes of everything.

"Which one?" Lucas asks as we stop,

"What?" I ask looking at him as he rolls his eyes and turn me around to look at the food and drinks,

"Pick which ever one you want so we can go" he says leaning against the counter of the scared cashier,

"Anything?" I ask with a smile as I turn to see him staring at me,

"Anything" He says shaking his head and turning around,

I smile before looking around. After what felt like an hour I had a cart full of hot chips, coke, gummy worms, cookies, gum, brownies, lollipops, m&ms, snickers, gummy bears, and Apple pies.

"Damn Jezzabelle" Vier laughs as I laugh along,

"Hey I'm a girl, it's natural" I say flipping my hair as he chuckles,

"Are you sure you want all dat?" Nesto asked as we walk out,

"Can you shut yo ass up and put all her stuff in the car" Lucas says before hopping in the drivers side as I sit in the back seat,

"Here you go" Nesto says giving me the last thing in the cart which was my gummy worms,

"Thank you Nesto" I say as he nods and walks away after closing the door,

"Now eat yo shit and shut up" He says starting the car as I roll my eyes,

"I'm bored" I say with a groan as I see him roll his eyes in the rear mirror.

"Here" He says handing me a tablet.

"The fuck am I suppose to do wit dis?" I ask staring at it,

"First don't fucking use that tone wit me, and second there's games on it to keep yo mouth shut" he growls as I roll my eyes,

"Ok dad" I say rolling my eyes before turning the tablet on,

When I turn it on a picture of a little boy with a grown man came onto the lock screen. When I studied the picture I noticed the little boy looked like Lucas, and the older man looked like the older version of Lucas. In the picture they looked happy, little Lucas was smiling while I'm guessing his dad is holding him. I wonder what happened to Lucas dad?

I slide the tablet to open and there was games like subway surf, temple run, flow free, and fruit ninja. I shrugged and played flow free till my eyes got heavy and I knocked out.

Vote and comment for moe :-)

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