Chapter 16

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|Jason| (Jezzabelles dad)

"Boss!" Anthony says on the intercom as I buzz his call in,

After leaving my men to search for my daughter I flew my way back to miami to cool off. I knew Lucas and my daughter weren't going to do anything now but I know he's going to try to kill her. So I sent my men to track her. She got rid of the tracking device I put in her necklace, but I made sure my men could find her or they'd be dead.

Anywho now Im relaxing in my ware house looking over where Lucas will go with my daughter before my assistant calls me on the intercom.

"If this aint about you finding my daughter then hang up!" I snapped frustratedly,

"Turn the tv to channel 5" he says before I grab the remote,

"Here at the cafe was the news no one knew was goin to turn out. A few minutes ago sitting here was Jezzabelle Johnson the daughter of a gang leader was spotted with her now boyfriend lucas coly the leader of also the most dangerous crew now, here is the video our crew got before they left" She said before they showed a video of Lucas and my daughter kissing as I threw the remote at the tv,

"Whats wrong?!" My bodyguard Eric says rushin in with James,

"We leave now!" I snapped walking out as they followed,

Dont worry Jezzabelle , you will be back in my arms when lover boy is dead. I thought to myself with a smirk.


After the kiss I dazed off towards the road we were on. My lips lingered for his. Sparks went off when his lips touched mine, just remembering the kiss got me flushed.

I was cut out of my thoughts when Lucas door slammed and I looked front to see the guys stopped and we were in front of a stranded motel. Well now stranded thanks to Golden and Nesto. My door was open when I turned to see Jordan.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he smiled,

"Uh boss told will to help you down but wills hands were full so he pursuaded me to do it" he says with a smile as I reach for his hands,

He lifted me out of the car like I weighed nothing and I stared up into his blue eyes as his cheecks turned red before he turned around.

"Um lets go" he says as I walk beside him,

"Where are we going?" I asked as he stopped walking and looked at me,

He faced his whole attention to me as I looked up at him confusedly. I noticed we were in a dark area of the motel where it was only us far from the guys unpacking and walking. I looked up to see Jordan already staring intensely at me. I looked at him confusedly. He lifted his hand up to move a strand of my hair from my face as I froze. He caressed my cheek as I felt heat there.

"You dont know how much I want you as mine" he says lowly as I was literally gonna stop breathing,

"To bad shes already mine!" I heard a growl from behind Jordan before he turned around,

Even though Jordans back blocked me from the person I knew who it was.


"I shouldve killed yo ass the first day I met you" Lucas says as Jordan stands in front of me protectively,

"Im sorry boss" he says lowering his head as I hear lucas chuckle,

"Yo ass best be!" He snaps before I hear a thud and Jordans body lies limp on the floor in front of me,

I looked up in shock as Lucas wipes his gun with his shirt. I turned to run bu his voice stopped me,

"Dont!" He growls as I look up to him pointing his trigger at me,

"Woah!" I hear vier shouting coming up next me before Lucas pointed it at him,

"Boss!" Will said as he and the other guys came slowly when Lucas chuckled and pointed it back at me,

"Bam!" He said making a gun sound as I stood there shaking,

"Im just fuckin wit yalls" he slurred as I noticed a empty beer bottle on the ground near him,

"Now guys go book us some rooms , and vier take your friend here away from whats mine" he says with a deep chuckle stumbling towards me with his eyes burning holes through mine,

"Come!" He says putting his arm around my shoulder and pulling me towards the motel,

"Stop Lucas! Yor drunk!" I screamed as he throws me on the bed before vier and nesto burst through the door,

"We heard screaming" Nesto said lowering his gun as Lucas glares at them and they got the message and left,

"What are you doing?" I asked as he takes off his shirt revealing his attractive torso with tattoos and his v-line omfg,

"Like the view?" He asked as I noticed I was drooling,

I looked away blushing as I heard him walk to the other side of bed. I turned to see his back with bruises and scars and espicially tattooes. I noticed a tattoo that had a man holding a baby on the left corner of his back. I heard him kick off his shoes and sniffle. When he slowly turned my head shot back.

"Staring is rude" he says with a chuckle turning the lights off as the bed dips,

I feel his hot breath on my cheek as the hairs on the back of my neck stood. I could feel his body towering over me as I clenched my eyes close shaking. He sighed and layed back as I sigh. But my sigh turned into a loud gasp when his arms snaked around my waist. I tried to get out of his grip only for it to tighten and keep me huddled between his arms and chest. I wiggled and squirmed before I stopped when I heard him growl.

"Stop fucking moving!" he demands as I froze,

He seemed satisfied as he snuggled into my neck and let out an exhausted sigh. Chills ran down my spine as I felt butterflies in my stomach. My head was spinning when he kissed below my ear and I felt his body heat and cologne making me melt. I've never been held by man besides my father but that was years ago, I didnt know it would feel this comforting when Lucas did it. My eyes were closing as I smiled.

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