Chapter 4

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It's been two days since I've eaten anything, or even seen a piece of food. Lucas has kept me in here for two days and I keep count by how many times he's come and go. Sometimes at night and sometimes during the day. I don't know what he wants from me but I'm never going to give it to him. He's only come by to check if I'm alive or not. All I'd do is lay and pretend I'm sleeping, he comes in and kicks me then leaves. He's coming again today so I lay down in the same spot and squeeze my eyes shot.

I hear the door squeak open as I hear his footsteps come near.

"Hey, I know your awake" A voice says and I open my eyes to see someone else thats not Lucas.

"You hungry?" He asks nicely as I nod.

"Here you go" He says handing me a sandwich.

"i didn't know what you'd like so I made yah one of mah good sandwiches" He says with a smile as I pick it up.

I took a bite and eyed him suspiciously.

He had a red beanie, red flannel, black tee, dark blue ripped skinny jeans, and red and white j's. He had a nice jawline and pink plump lips, he had a little beard with nice eyes.

He smiled at me as I ate the sandwich, I was really hungry and the sandwich was really good.

"oh, stupid ass" he says hitting his forehead as I looked at him awkwardly,

"I forgot, the names will" He says with a smile as I nod,

"I already know your name" his deep voice continues in my head as I stare at his nice facial features.

"You know, I might get killed for doing this but you know, I saw when boss locked you in here and I don't know what went wrong with me" he brought up laughing.

"Thank you" I said finishing the sandwich and wiping my mouth" I say with a smile as he plays with his fingers.

"Oh yeah your welcome,uh I'm gonna go before I get shot" he chuckled before walking towards the door.

"Bye, will" I replied as he turned around and smiled before closing the door.

I sat up and felt better then before, I knew he was gonna come so I stood up this time and pat the door off my ass.

It wasn't that long till I heard the locks being unlocked and the screws moaning when the door opened again. I saw his blonde curls come in before I folded my arms and mean mugged him,

"What do you want huh? You gonna kill me or-" before I even finished he dragged me by my hair outside.

"Ahhhh! Stop!?" I screamed as he came to a stop at the end of the hall. He pulled me up and when I looked up my eyes widened.

The screen that faced me was non other then my father looking back at me,

"See, I got this bitch now tell me why you killed my dad before I blow her head off" Lucas yelled pointing a gun at my head as I whimpered in his arms.

"Hahahahahahahaha" My dad chuckled,

"Why did I kill your father? Like I told you this is non of your business, what happened to your dad happened, killing my daughters not going to bring him back" my dad replied with a smile. Someone whispered in his ear before he looked back at the screen.

"I have to go now, oh and Jezzabelle I'm guessing Lucas didn't give you the letter I made for you so, while your stuck with him remember what I told on the first day of school" he said with a wink before the screen went black.

"Damn!?" Lucas shouted throwing the gun at the tv screen.

First day of school? Why would my dad tell me that? My thoughts cleared as I felt pain on my jaw.

"Ow! What the fuck?!" I shouted as I fell on the floor.

"Shut up! Will!" He shouted as I heard footsteps.

"Take this bitch back to da room" Lucas says before walking out,

"I'm sorry" he says wiping away the tear on my bruised jaw.

"Come on" he says picking me up bridal style.

"Won't you get killed for doing this?" I ask as he walks up the stairs.

"Well while these other niggas out there looking for your father I stay behind to guard the safe house and make sure nobody goes in or out of here without Boss word" he says walking into a different direction then where he's supposed to take me.

"Where are you going?" I asked,

"You think I'm gonna let you stay in that room with a bruised jaw pfft"He says shaking his head as I look at him strangely.

"Here yah go" he says placing me on a counter next to a sink,

"I'm guessing this is the bathroom?" I ask as he chuckles.

"No it's my bedroom" he said sarcastically with a laugh.

"Shut up" I laughed as he took out a red bag that said first aid kit on it.

"You have a cute laugh" He says with a smile as I look away bashfully,

"Here lemme see" will says cupping my face to face him.

"There you go" he says putting some neosporn on my jaw.

"Ow" I say as he presses the bandage on the bruise.

"It's gonna take a few days to heal" he says as I look at him in confusion,

"Your a doctor?" I ask as he laughs.

"No Trust me I've been in enough fights to know how long it's gonna take for a bruise to heal" he says lifting his shirt up to see a bruises and scars on his abdomen.

"Oh yeah I forgot you a bad nigga huh?" I ask with a smirk as he chuckles.

"I mean if you put it that way" he says looking at me with a smile as I tilt my head,

"Are you okay?" I ask before he smashed his lips on mine and I froze before kissing back.

While we were making out I heard the door open,

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" A voice growled

I pulled away and my eyes widened to see who it was

Oh shit WTF lol. Omfg sorry for the late update , blah blah blah and yeah don't forget to vote and comment for more :-) <333

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