A Long Drive for A Little TLC

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What about your friends
Will they stand their ground
Will they let you down again
What about your friends are they gonna be low down
Will they ever be around or will they turn their backs on you

Knock, knock, knock.

The door is thrown open hastily. "Skylar, what the hell are you doing here?" Zac's eyes move to his wristwatch. "It's four thirty."

He's in his PJ's but when I slip into the room, I notice books strewn around his dorm, as if he's been studying for hours.

"I have a midterm tomorrow," he says, confirming my guess, "I don't have time to host you."

And that's when I start crying. Since when does my big brother not have time for his little sister?

I collapse on his bed, ignoring his eye roll as I sob into his fluffy pillow. "I need you, Zac," I mutter, "please make time for me."

Flushing, he sits down next to me and gently rests an arm around my shoulder. "I always have time for you, little sis." Laughing, he smooths my hair. "Where's my little bro? He didn't come with you?"

It pains me to hear him call Shawn his little brother, especially after everything that happened.

Does he not know what happened?

"I hate Shawn, that's why he didn't come with me."

Zac's face shows complete shock. "I think you have some explaining to do."


I spend two hours explaining everything to Zac, from our new neighbors, to Shawn's betrayal, to Haley's embarrassing announcement to the whole cafeteria.

He listens intently and I am thankful to be able to get everything off my chest, knowing it's all safe with Zac, stored away in his heart.

"—and that's why I had to come here. I needed to get away for a while." I finish, playing with my fingers.

I take a shuddering breath, my cheeks damp from my constant crying.

Zac's arm lies softly around my shoulders and he leans his head against mine. "He's gonna regret what he did, Skylar. You're a beautiful person inside and out."

"Thanks," I respond with little enthusiasm.

Zac raises his eyebrows. "Don't sound so excited."

I frown at his sarcasm. "You're my big brother...what else are you going to say? Of course you think I'm beautiful."

He turns to me, his hands now on my shoulders, squeezing tightly. "Yes, but I'm also a 19-year-old boy and I know what it's like to do stupid things in the name of love. I've been there, done that. He'll come around and realize just how much he's missing out on. You really are a ball of joy, you know that, right?"

I have to smile at that, knowing he's being sincere. Gotta love having an older brother to lean on.

Literally lean on.

"Man, what would you do without me?" Zac asks, his chest puffed out with confidence.

And with that, I laugh, my headache ceasing a little with each giggle. I punch his arm playfully and shake my head at him. "So, how's Kylie?"

Zac blushes bright red and loses eye contact. "She's good," he mutters, his air of sarcasm completely shattered.

I grin at him, forgetting my problems for a split second.

"How long was the drive?" He questions, a lame attempt at changing the subject.

"I left Toronto at ten o'clock and got here around four. So roughly six and a half hours."

Zac gapes at me. "Take a train back and leave the car with me. This way, I'll drive it back when I come down to visit for the weekend."

I shake my head. "Can't do that."

"Why not?"

I don't respond, my cheeks heating with humiliation. I wrong my hands, trying to avoid his blue eyes.

"Skylar?" He lifts my chin up. "Is there a problem?" He hesitates a little. "Other than what you've already confided in me?"

I shake my head again, trying to mentally send him a message. I don't want to explain.

"Just explain," he says, obviously not getting my telepathic statement.

"I took Shawn's car, so I have to take it back. I was in a hurry and I panicked. I hope he found a ride to his apartment and isn't stuck at school."

And then the thought of Aaliyah hits me and my heart clenches. Oh, God. What if she is stuck alone and he can't get to her?

"Zac, I have to go." I say, thinking only of poor, innocent little Aaliyah. My stomach churns with discomfort and worry, my head a jumble of scary possibilities.

My instinct tells me to get back to Toronto ASAP, but my mind knows that I won't be back until around midnight, not to mention that I'm exhausted.

Zac looks surprised, and slightly disappointed. "You sure you can't stay any longer? I haven't seen anyone in the family in a long time."

"Positive," I say in a rush, grabbing my Keyes and moving to the door.

"I love you, and thank you for listening." I kiss his cheek sloppily. "I needed it."

"Love you too," he says pouting a little, as I leave his dorm room.

I sprint down the steps, my eyelids dropping slightly, and make a beeline for Shawn's car. I hop in, start the ignition, and the car lurches out of the Visitor's parking lot.

"I'm coming home, guys, I'm coming home."
I mumble, not speaking to anyone in particular.

"Please let Aaliyah be okay," I say, praying to God she isn't alone somewhere, or worse, stranded.

I drive at least twenty miles over the 55 speed limit, but I don't even notice how fast I'm going.

All I care about is getting home and ensuring the safety of Aaliyah.

Going home.

It doesn't feel so much like home, anymore.

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