Best Friends Forever

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You're like my favorite song on the radio, I could listen to ya all day.
You're like a music video, I could look at you all day.
—Cody Simpson

"This doesn't mean we are back together," I tell Shawn stiffly, glad that he keeps his distance on the couch next to me.

I sip my new cup of coffee, relishing the warmth of Shawn's sweatpants on my body. "I can't really trust you right now. But I know that you're genuine in feeling guilty and I know you'll never do anything like this again."

He nods, and I can just tell that he's sincere. He's really, really sorry.

"But one question."

Another nod.

"Why did it have to include making out?" I ask, shivering as the visual aid appears in my head. Ew.

He laughs, but it's forced, as if none of this is funny. Tell me about it. "She thought it would convince people more." He shudders. "Ugh, she was a nasty kisser."

Somehow, that makes it seem much less threatening and upsetting.

"Oh." I turn to look him in the eyes. "It really hurt me, you know. When you left me for her? When I thought you'd been with her all along? That killed me, Shawn."

He nods again. "I know, that's what hurt me the most too. Knowing you had thought our relationship had been a fake. But it wasn't, not at all, Sky. I started helping her in the middle of August. You screamed at me at the end of August and you were right, it had already been two weeks. But then you wouldn't let me explain." He shrugs. "But forget about this for now. How's Tyler?"

I smile, knowing Shawn can't wait to make up with Tyler. "Tell you what. Let's go see for ourselves." I needed to talk to him, too.

"It's two in the morning."

"He'll be up."

Shawn doesn't look convinced.

"Trust me."

And that's all it takes. "Okay."


"Tyler!" I whisper-yell, gripping the window ledge. Good thing his bedroom is on the first floor.


Shawn steps forward. "Yo, Hart!"

And then Tyler's face appears in the window, looking half shocked, half sleepy.

"What the hell is going on out there?" He catches sight of Shawn. "And why the hell did you bring the asshole?"

Shawn raises his eyebrows in the dark. "Nice way to great your best friend, Ty."

"Former best friend," Tyler corrects, crossing his arms. But he says it in a gentle way, without much conviction. He misses Shawn as much as I did.

I sigh. "You gonna let us in or not?"

"You, yes. Asshole, no I don't think so." Tyler stands defiantly and I roll my eyes.

"It's okay, Tyler. I can't do this to him or me any longer. We're just gonna be friends. He apologized and humiliated Haley in front of everyone. It's all okay, Tyler, I promise. He's really sorry and I forgave him. Please let us in, it's freezing."

"I'm freezing my nuts off out here, Ty, just let me the hell in." Shawn says, reaching in to pat Tyler's arm.

Tyler pulls his arm back and cringes. I catch onto his discomfort and turn to Shawn. "Let's just go."

"No, wait!" Tyler says. He pouts, his frown deepening. "Fine, I'll unlock the door."

Shawn grins at me and runs to the front door, running in when Tyler opens it. "Hi, Ty," he says, almost shyly. "I—I apologized to Sky and she forgave me."

Tyler looks slightly disappointed, but it's gone as quickly as it came. And then he looks mad. "You what?!" He shouts at me. "How could you?"

I put a hand on his arm and his muscle jumps to attention. I pretend not to notice as I say, "He's really sorry. Trust me. I don't think I'll regret this."

Tyler looks less angry, but he looks hurt. "Alright. But," he adds when Shawn steps forward, "we are NOT still best friends."

Shawn doesn't respond, just backs up reluctantly, his face burning bright red. And then Tyler's shoulders slump and he rolls his eyes. "But come here, dude."

And then Shawn smashes into him without hesitance, clapping him on the back over and over—a major bro hug. "I'm so sorry, Ty." Shawn mumbles into Tyler's shoulder. "I'm not gonna go through everything I said to Skylar, because that'd be weird. But in guy short form, I never should've been such an ass and I—I love you, man," Shawn finishes, pulling away.

Tyler nods stiffly, but a huge smile pulls at his lips. "I guess you're forgiven." He holds up a finger. "But! You owe me about thirty games of Zombie Overload."

Shawn grins. "Oh, Ty, you are so going to lose."

"In your dreams, sucker."

And even though it's close to three in the morning, they stumble over each other into the basement, preparing to battle it out on Tyler's Xbox.

"See you later, Sky!" Shawn calls from the basement. "You're the best, most forgiving, most understanding friend!"

"Ditto!" Tyler yells. And then I hear Tyler say, "Dude let's call Cam and see if he wants to join us."

"Who's Cam?"

"You'll love him, trust me. He's literally our long lost twin, just a shyer version."

"Whatever you say, Ty."

"Weirdos." I mutter, leaving Tyler's house with content settling in my heart.

And so starts the formation of Macgon! Hope you're enjoying 👌🏼✌🏼️👊🏼👍🏼👏🏼 love you all! Vote and comment, please ❤️

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