Kidnapping Cats

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It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark.
—Michael Jackson

"You look adorable," Sierra says, eyeing me up and down.

I pull at the chest of my skintight Spider-man costume, regretting getting a size smaller than usual. "Thanks." I'm slightly embarrassed by how tightly it pulls at my curves, but I have to admit, I look pretty damn good.

"Sierra, your make-up is literally perfect," I tell her, admiring the mascara and fake blood. She smiles brightly at me, adjusting her quiver of fake arrows. "Hawkeye wishes he looked like you."

She giggles, holding her bow out at arm's length and pretending to shoot me.

Laughing, the two of us make our way downstairs where the boys are getting ready ten times slower than us.

"Guys, come on! You don't even have make up, what's taking so long?" Sierra shouts through the bedroom door, knocking loudly. 

I hear laughter and yelling from inside, but I can't make out who is saying what. All I know is the three of them are having way too much fun for their age, but somehow it suits their personalities.

Slapping and tripping each other, they come into the hallway, decked out in full on costumes.

Tyler looks exactly like Thor, with a long blonde wig, fake muscles like Chris Hemsworth, and even a hammer that he twirls in his hand.

Shawn where's a skintight red suit, kind of like Captain America's, and his shield rests evenly on his back. I find myself staring at the biceps and and outlined by his outfit, and quickly look away, a blush filling my cheeks.

Cam looks just as perfect, his pin straight, brown hair jelled back just like Robert Downey Junior's. He sports a plastic Iron Man suit from head to toe, his fist assembled with all the right buttons.

"You guys look hot," Tyler says casually, still spinning his hammer.

I flush deep red and I'm sure Sierra does too, who looks at the ground and shuffles her feet.

"You guys look great, too." I add. "Let's go, we are meeting Zac at 9 at the Haunted House on Chilton Ave."

Tyler's eyes widen. "That one's always super creepy!"

Shawn laughs at his enthusiasm. "That's why we picked it, Ty." He wiggles his eyebrows knowingly. "We wanna have some fun."

"I call driving," Cam says timidly, running out the door and hopping in the car.

We follow him, piling into his Honda. When we arrive at the Haunted House, we are all bouncing with excitement. I swear, we are all five years old at heart.

We jump out of the car after parking and sprint into the throng of people waiting to enter the fun of Halloween in Canada. The five of us talk a little, adrenaline pumping through my veins. I can't help but anticipate the adventure that awaits us, how many memories are going to be made in the Haunted House that stands like a creepy motel on top of the hill.

I look up at it, studying the fraying purple curtains swaying in the wind, the chipped black pain on the door, the rotting wooden upholstery and the creepy hinges on every window.

It's the perfect mansion for an eery Halloween night, the gone sun making it too dark to see much but the illuminated house.


We purchase five tickets and wait at the bottom of the hill for Zac. Excitement boils in my blood and I can't get myself to stand still, chewing my fingernails or tapping my foot.

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