Too Many Reunions

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Family Reunion! It's nice to come together!

I walk back into the waiting room and everyone springs to attention.

"What took so long?" Jack asks, concern embedded into his face. "How is he?"

"He's fine," I answer, sitting down to calm them all. "But we have a little problem."

Cameron frowns. "What's up?" He asks, plopping down next to me. Jack follows on the other side of me, and then everyone is crowded around me, waiting to hear the bad news.

I look at them all staring expectantly at me, and a rush of love washes over me. They're all so supportive, so loyal, so...amazing. I don't know where I'd be without my group of friends.

"Well, we need to get to Aaliyah as soon as possible."

Leah, sitting shoulder to shoulder with Tyler per the usual, raises her eyebrows. "Why's that?" And then her face falls. "Is she okay?"

"She's fine," I say quickly, "we are all just a little confused right now."

"Because?" Nash asks, trying to follow my line of thinking.

"Well..." There's so much to tell them, I don't know where to start. So I decide to just dive right in. "When Shawn was hit by the car, Jack and I were the first ones to arrive, joining Tyler a little later in the day. The police officer who was helping us care for Shawn took Aaliyah home to get her off my hands so that I could focus on Shawn. But I just found out that the deputy supposedly wasn't even employed with this department anymore, and had claimed this was his own personal crisis."

Everyone's faces contort in confusion.

"Exactly," I agree, nodding. "I'm confused, too. That's why we need to go to his apartment to clear some things up. And make sure Aaliyah is okay."

"Okay," Tyler says, standing up. "I have. A plan. Leah and I can stay here with Shawn. Someone has to," he says, before I can argue. "Nash and Jack, you guys find out what you can about when Shawn can return home and what prescription meds he'll be needing. Twins, you guys go with Skylar to find the officer and Aaliyah. Make sure you stick together and get as much information from him as you can, seeing as we are all so confused. This way, everything is taken care of."

We all exchange looks and then simultaneously shrug.

"Sounds good." Me.

"Agreed." Say the twins at the same time.

"Perfect." Leah.

"Right. Let's do this." says Jack, clapping his hands and lunching to his feet, pulling Nash with him. "Time for some top notch investigating."

But as we all stand to go our separate ways, Officer Reilly walks through the door, his close ragged and his face more tired than ever.

"Ms. Healy, I—"

And then he's interrupted by a voice that instantly makes him swivel around.

Leah's brown eyes go wide, her body stiffening. "Dad?" She mumbles.

"Leah? What are you doing here?"

My heart speeds up. "Wait...Officer Reilly is your father?"

Leah nods shyly, smiling at him. He returns her grin, putting an arm around her shoulders. "How's your mother?" He asks gently.

"Good, actually. She seems happy. We both are."

That appears to make him happy as well, and then a thought occurs to me. "That means...your Rixon's little sister!"

Leah's eyes widen again and her cheeks burn bright red. "Rixon? You know my brother?"

"He's the police officer in the story!" Jack tells her, his grin broadening.

Leah's entire face brightens at this news. I've never seen her so open. "Rixon's back from Afghanistan?!"

"Yeah," Officer Reilly says, "he came back two weeks ago. We were both going to surprise you when you visited next weekend."

Leah can't stop smiling, and her foot taps the ground anxiously. "Cameron, can you do me a favor?" She asks with a nervous edge. When he nods, she continues, "Can, you stay here with Tyler? This way, I can go with the girls to find Aaliyah. I would like to see my brother."


When we arrive at Rixon's apartment, I can hear the Full House theme song playing through the door. It makes me smile, the image of them sitting on the couch, watching TV together.

Sierra knocks, and then steps back to wait. "Coming!" I recognize Rixon's voice immediately and I can see Leah's face lift at the sound.

The door opens slowly and all I see is Rixon's surprised, yet extremely happy expression before he throws his arms around his little sister.

"Leah!" He shouts at the same time she says, "Rixon!"

They rock each other back and forth, Leah's tears buried deep in Rixon's shoulder. "I missed you so much," she mumbles, and his smile widens.

He closes his eyes, and I can see the relief in his face. "I love you," is all he answers.

"I love you, too."

When Leah bashfully steps back from the hug, she looks at the ground. Why is she so shy?

Seeing her next to Rixon, I notice how much she looks like him with the same big brown eyes and the same curly hair. He's at least a foot taller and eight years older, but the resemblance is uncanny.

"Hey, Skylar," Rixon says, squeezing my hand gently in greeting. "Aaliyah just fell asleep. Right after our third episode. How's Shawn?"

"He's doing well." Sierra answers, looking up at him.

"But we need to talk." I say calmly. I just want everything to be straightened out.

Rixon smiles softly. "I figured as much." He steps back and gestures to his apartment. "Come on in."

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