Two Terrifying Revelations

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I'll think of you every step of the way. I'll always love you.
—Whitney Houston

Three hours later, Jack, Nash, the twins and I have checked every crevice of Toronto, and all the surrounding towns in a twenty mile radius. We've called their cell phones over and over, contacted Tyler's parents, and I made sure to pick up Aaliyah from dare care, avoiding a catastrophe like last time something like this happened. "

Zac..." I breathe into the phone, hot tears stinging at my eyes. I squeeze them shut, willing myself not to start crying again. "Zac, we need you. Like right now."

"What's wrong, Skylar?" The concern that embeds his voice is unlike anything I've ever heard before. "Skylar, are you okay?!"

"No. Yes. I—" I take a really deep breath and let it out in a huff. "I honestly don't know, Zachary."

"Zachary? God Skylar, what's going on?" The fright in Zac's voice is too much for my fragile eyelids to bear, and I burst into sobbing tears.

"Where are you?" Zac asks frantically. I can hear keys jingling on the other end of the phone and a door slams shut. An engine revs and I hear the squeak of tires on blacktop as he skids onto the highway.

"Zac, we can't find Shawn or Tyler. They h-had a huge fight yesterday at a sleepover and now they're both missing. We've alerted everyone we know and I'm this close to telling the police to put an APB out on them. I'm freaking out here, Zac."

"Okay, okay," Zac says gently, and this time, his voice is soothing. "Calm down. Everything is going to be fine, Skylar."

"You don't know that!" I yell, not able to contain my frustration. "I'm sorry." I say immediately, trying not to anger anyone else in my life.

After all, this was possibly all my fault to begin with. And I couldn't handle losing my brother right now too.

"I know that because I know Shawn. He's the closest thing I have to a brother, Skylar. Hell, he is my brother for God's sake. I lived with the little runt for six months. I know him better than anyone, and I know he'd never leave for good without telling anyone. Trust me, Skylar. We'll find him."

"Okay, I believe you," I say, sighing heavily, "but that doesn't account for Tyler. I'm worried about them."

"I know." I hear a honk and Zac curses loudly. "And that's why I'm on my way right now."

"But you won't be here for at least four hours."

"Not at the speed I'm driving."

That makes me smile in the midst of everything and I close my eyes to calm my thumping heart. "Thanks, Zac."

"You better be thankful, I'm missing classes for this."

But I know he's kidding. "Alright, Zac, I'm going to check on Aaliyah. I'll call you back if there are any updates."

"Alright. I love you, little sis."

"I know. I love you too."

I hang up and leans my head against my bedpost, trying to lessen the feeling of dread in my gut.

I don't want to think about anything right now because every time I do, my mind strays to some horrifying possibilities.


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