Lost and Found

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Come on, let's show them your love.

As I step out of Shawn's deserted bedroom, I decide to check Aaliyah's room on an odd impulse. I walk down the narrow hallway and slowly turn the knob.

He has to be somewhere is this house, I tell myself.

The feeling in my gut is way too strong; this is right. He's here somewhere, I just have to find him. I push open Aaliyah's door and I immediately know Shawn's in this room.

I can't even see him yet, but I know. Oh, do I know. Deep down, I've always known I can feel his presence whenever he's near me, and I can smell him from a mile away— a mix of what I associate with spring air and very masculine soap, making his own vibrant cologne.

And then the door closes behind me and I turn toward the bed in the middle of the room.

And find Shawn sitting on it, in just a pair of large sweatpants, looking distraught and exhausted, glancing frantically at a pile of papers and pictures laid out on the comforter.

He looks up at the sound of the closing door, and I note the dark rings under his soft eyes, that are unnaturally wild with fatigue.


Relief courses through my body and it takes everything in me not to throw myself at him. And as I get the feeling in the pit of my stomach, the one that tells me to follow my heart, the one that I need to satisfy, I do run toward him.

And I don't hesitate. Without really thinking anything through, my heart hammering against my ribcage, I find myself gasping heavily, trying to catch my breath.

"I love you," I pant, my voice short of breath.

And he doesn't waste any time before shifting to the edge of the bed, taking my face in his hands and pressing his lips to mine. His kiss is so forceful, that it's almost insistent, and his hands slide down my body to grip my hips tighter than I expected. He abruptly pulls me against him and I stand in between his legs, leaning as far into him as I possibly can.

I treasure the familiar taste of him, drinking in his scent as I move my mouth in sync with his. It's all so fluent that I can't help but realize how natural everything with him still is, even after all the obstacles we'd overcome.

I pull away gently, but stay close enough that I can feel his heartbeat against my chest, his breath ticking my cheeks.

"Um, Sky, what...what was that?"

Surprised, I take an extra step back, distancing myself from him a little. "What do you mean?"

I had just told him that I love him and he's now questioning my motives? I narrow my eyes as his gaze finds the ground, refusing contact with mine.

"I just, a month ago, you said we weren't together anymore."

My brow furrows, co fusion settling on my face. "I know," I tell him, "but it's been hard staying away from you."

He finally looks up at me, his soft brown eyes hopeful. "Really?"

Smiling, I nod. "You're too adorable for your own good." I say, nudging his arm.

He grins, unable to pretend like he's not happy anymore. His cheeks flood with color, his ears turning bright red.

"I've missed being with you these past four weeks, Shawn. I miss kissing you and holding your hand and telling you everything that's happening in my life. I miss being your girlfriend."

"I've missed it, too, Sky. I loved how easily we talked and how natural our conversations were. I loved being able to trust you to keep my secrets, and it made me feel amazing to know you knew you could confide in me."

He puts a hand on my shoulder, squeezing slightly. "I miss the way you used to look at me." He looks down at the ground again. "And I know I kind of blew that, but I still sometimes wish things could be how they were before."

I nod, understanding where he was coming from. "Well, they can now, Shawn. If we really try I think we can make it work. We're too good together, and it just took me a while to realize that. I'm glad you waited around for me."

He's silent, but I see the smile in his eyes and the happiness in his expression. "Now we just have to figure out where Tyler is," I say, turning away.

Shawn's face drops, his smile fading into a deep frown. "Sky, I have to tell you something."

Scared. "Yeah?" I ask cautiously.

"I love you—"

I laugh, touching his arm. "I know—"

"No." He interrupts me, pulling his arm away from my gentle touch. His eyes lock with mine and the sadness in them frightens me. "I love you, but...but so—"

And then an unmistakable voice comes from behind me, from the doorway. "But so do I."


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