A Break Gone Bad

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I love him with every beat of my heart.
—Time Dico

Our high school always has off the week after Halloween for some bizarre reason; no one knows why, but no when questions as long as school is cancelled.

But in my case, I wish we didn't have a whole week off, for I think it's not an ideal time for my friends and me. It's only been three days since the big spiel at Shawn's old house, but the tension in the air is already too much to bear.

My group didn't hung out together all this weekend, even though we had all been sick with worry for Tyler and Shawn. I had made some calls and told everyone that Zac and I had found them and they were perfectly safe.

Jack had been skeptical, especially since my voice cracked numerous times when I was on the phone with him and Nash, but he didn't pursue it. Maybe he knew what had happened.

Either way, I haven't spoken to Tyler or Shawn in three days and I feel broken inside. I have managed to rid myself of my two best friends with one sentence, and then walked out of the room without so much as a second glance.

They pass me in the hallways, heads down, eyes glued to the floor. They avoid eye contact and make sure not to acknowledge me, which I guess is kind of the right thing to do considering my decision.

But in all honesty, I hate being shut out from them and it's even worse when I seethe two boys in a fifty foot radius of each other. They spot the other person, freeze in their tracks, and then sprint the other way as fast as possible, trying to put as much distance between themselves as they could manage.

I walk the halls with Sierra most of the time, glad to have her to take my mind off things. But I have Jack too, who likes to walk me to my bus and take me to the English classroom on his way to Spanish. I pray that Shawn doesn't seen us, because that's the only time he makes eye contact—using it to glare at Jack, and sometimes even me.

Tyler does the same thing, just a lot less subtly. He stares at Jack furiously, as if just because he can't walk with me, no boy should be able to. But Jack ignores it thankfully, pretending he doesn't even notice the incredulous glances he's getting from everyone.

He continues to be his energetic, totally honest self, and I realize I'm happy to see his personality wasn't at all affected by the two boys who seem to have become different people all together.

All in all, our group has kind of broken up, Sierra, Jack, Nash, and I going one way, Tyler, Shawn, and Cam going another. Cameron took their side when everything happened, refusing to even look at me. I guess that's what happened when you stick up for your two closest friends. I can't say that I blame him.

But today is different. Today is Monday and I don't have school. It feels weird, not having anyone at my house for breakfast; usually my kitchen is inhabited by Shawn or Aaliyah, and almost always Tyler. It feels odd to eat lunch in my living room, reading a book by myself.

"Skylar!" Someone raps on the door, and at first I don't recognize the voice that breaks through my lonely silence. More forceful knocking slams against the door. And then— "Seriously, let me in the frickin house, I'm freezing my ass off!"

I put down my turkey and mayo sandwich, letting myself laugh. "I'm coming, Jack."

I open the door to see him jogging in place on my porch, his breath forming wisps of smoke in the cold November air.

"Ah, yes!" He pushes past me and throws the door shut behind us, rubbing his hands together as he blows on them to warm them. "Cozy," he says smiling, as he plops down on my living room couch.

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