Epilogue Pt. 1

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*Three Years Later*

"I bet you they're cheating. Where does a person hide in a small neighborhood like this?" I asked, frustrated.

Taylor laughed quietly. "Trust me, this town is a LOT bigger than it seems. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten lost," he whispered. "Now, shh, or you're gonna give us away."

We crouched behind the dumpster, back to back, watching down each side of the road.

After a few moments, Taylor poked my ribs from behind. "Hey!" He whisper-shouted. "Jack." I swiveled around and followed his pointed finger to see Jack Gilinsky, down the street, looking around cautiously as he ran through the dark in a crouched position.

"Let's get him."

"Wait," Taylor grabbed my arm. "He's coming this way. Well jump him from either side when he comes past."

Taylor sprinted across the street and dived behind a bush, disappearing from view. His blue eyes shine through the dark and he motioned for me to wait. He put up three fingers and as I watched Jack come closer and closer, he put them down one at a time.

Three. Jack came closer.

Two. Jack stopped and looked around.

Jack continued toward us.


"Go!" Taylor shouted and we launched ourselves into the street. Jack, looking terrified, stood frozen to his spot. Taylor got to him first and grabbed him. "Got ya! You're out!"

Jack sweared and glared at us. "Who else have you gotten?"

"Just you, Sierra and Cameron. We haven't even seen Leah, Jack J, Nash, Tyler or Shawn any-"

I was interrupted by shouts down the cross street to my right.

"No, no! Go back!"

I rounded on them to see Tyler and Leah stumbling over each other to get away.

"Taylor! Leah and Tyler are going down Gardner!" I yell, grabbing his hand and pulling him toward Gardner.

"Wait! You and Jack go down Sunrise and block them off from Fairview. I'll go down Parish Ave and meet you on Fairview. Well trap them."

I nodded and sprinted away, Jack at my heels. We turned down Sunrise and screeched to a stop behind a bush on Fairview.

Jack slammed into my back and I groaned. "Sorry," he hissed in the dark night, steadying my shoulders.

I put a finger to my lips and squatted down, watching Leah and Tyler make their way stealthily down Gardner.

In my peripheral, I saw Taylor running down Parish at top speed.

He wasn't going to make it. Tyler and Leah were moving too fast.

"C'mon, Caniff," I whispered to myself.

He seemed to pick up speed and he slides to a stop right across the street from me.

He winked and gave me a thumbs up, his chest heaving with deep breaths.

Leah and Tyler crossed our paths and Taylor, Jack and I jumped out, pouncing on the boys.

I tackled Leah to the ground and he went sprawling on the grass.

Taylor's small body was trying to take Tyler down, gabbing his arms. "You're out!" He yelped, grinning broadly.

Leah slowly got to her feet and I smirked at her. "You may be really fast, but we outsmarted you."

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