Not Unconscious

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Setting our sights on losing my mind. And we are feeling alive, feeling alive.
—Glamour of the Kill

It's like an odd feeling of deja vu settling in the pit of my stomach, all of the horrible attributes of the hospital coming back to me in a rush.

The horrible smell of what could only be described as death, masked by the cleansing scent of medicine.

The sounds of squeaking gurneys, and nurses shouting orders to each other.

The look of despair on all the patients faces, especially the agonizing ones on those of the waiting room, sitting there in pain.

The ugly blue paper dresses that everyone wears, a sea of moving bodies and lifeless ones.

I tap my knee nervously, looking around to catch any glance of Officer Reilly. He said he'd be waiting for us here in the lobby, so why isn't he anywhere in sight?

"Miss Healy?"

I lunge to my feet alongside Jack and we both spin around to follow his voice. I catch sight of his kind brown eyes first, then his police uniform and relief washes over me.

"Officer Reilly." I state, quickly walking toward him.

He has a blank look on his face, as if not sure whether he's happy or sad. "Follow me," he says, spinning on his heel and leading me down a hallway.

I fall into stride beside him and lay a hand softly on his arm. "Is Shawn going to fully recover?"

He squeezes his eyes shut, blocking out the world. "They think so."

I raise my eyebrows. "They're not sure?"

We stop at a door and he finally looks directly at me. "No, they're not sure. I'm sorry, Miss Healy."

I step right into his room with Jack and Officer Reilly and my side, their presence making this easier for me.

He isn't unconscious this time.

He's wide awake, lying lifelessly in his bed. He isn't moving, but you can tell he's alive by the constant rise and fall of the sheets, his beating heart the tell-tale sign that he's okay for the time being.

"Shawn?" I whisper, my mind racing still.

His head jerks slightly at the sound of my voice, but that is the extent to his mobility. So instead, I walk over to his bedside and look into his soft brown eyes.

"Hey," I say, tears of happiness sliding down my cheeks. "You can look at me this time."

Shawn's mouth twitches and I take that to mean he's trying to smile. "Mm srry."

I sniff, gently taking his hand in mine. "Oh, Shawn. Why are you apologizing?"

I can't stand to know that he somehow feels like this is his fault. I realize I don't even know what happened, and I want to know. I don't wanna be left out of the loop and have no idea what went wrong and what caused it.

"Shunt hve bin fighng." He doesn't open his mouth when he says it, making it difficult to understand him.

I don't know how, but I manage to figure out what he's saying. Shouldn't have been fighting.

"What were you fighting about? Who were you fighting with?" I ask very gently, trying not to overwhelm him with questions.


"What?" I ask, surprised.

"Fighng with Tler."

"You were fighting with Tyler when your accident happened?"


For some reason, I look to Officer Reilly, hoping that he may know what happened. With a saddened expression, he shakes his head.

He doesn't know, either.

Jack speaks for me. "What exactly happened, Shawn?"

"Was mdat Tler an ran ou the house. Wsn pain at en ton an was hit by ker gng 2 fst."

That I can't quite decipher, but Officer Reilly steps up directly next to me and bumps my shoulder with his elbow.

"He said that he was mad at this Tyler kid and ran out of the house in anger. He wasn't paying attention and he was hit by a car that was going way too fast."

I study him in awe. "You got all that from one sentence?"

He nod, smiling a little. "I have some experience in this department."

I turn back to Shawn. "So that's what happened. Wait, then where's Tyler?"

He manages a tiny shrug, his face staying a blank slate.

And then it hits me. Tyler is probably holed up in a ball somewhere, slapping himself over and over and mentally kicking himself.

If I know anything about Tyler at all, I am well aware that he is blaming Shawn's accident on himself. After all, it had been anger at him that had caused Shawn to storm out of the house and be too aggravated to look both ways before he crossed the street.

Glancing at Jack, I see that the realization hadn't dawned on him yet; he is still asking Shawn questions, trying to get easy answers as quick as possible.

I find myself turning to look at Officer Reilly, who's gaze is locked on my horrified face. He puts his hands out and touches my arms, making sure I'm not going to faint right there on the spot.

I can tell by his tight grip that he has come to the same conclusion. I make sure Jack is staying with Shawn, and then I make for the door.

I have to find Tyler. He is absolutely somewhere in this hospital.

And I don't care how long it takes me.

Or that I had promised to stay away from him for a while.

For the time being, I don't think about anything and I don't really are about anything either.

It is all beside the matter.

I just need to find Tyler.

I'm relieved when Officer Reilly follows me, staying right at my side as we walk down hallway after hallway.

"Where would you go?" He whispers, more to himself than to me. "Hey, Miss Healy—"

"Skylar." I find myself correcting him, though I have no idea why.

He smile a little, nodding. "Skylar, isn't that Shawn's little sister?"

I follow his gaze and my eyes rest on Aaliyah's happy face. She has no idea what's happening.

Poor thing.

"Yes. Officer Reilly—"


I find myself smiling and I nod as well, asking him for help with my eyes.

"Rixon, can you—"

"Absolutely. I'll keep her occupied, you just find this Tyler kid. And be careful, I'll look out for Aaliyah; play tag or something."

I sigh, grateful beyond words. "Thank you, Rixon."

And then I take off down the next corridor, sending up a silent prayer.

Dear God....

I come upon a large closet and think to check inside. I open the doors quietly, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible.

And there, sitting in the corner with his knees pulled to his chest, is Tyler, his face partially hidden in his hands behind his floppy blonde hair, his body trembling and rocking back and forth in a trance.

It's the first time I've ever seen Tyler Hart cry.

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