Panic Attack

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"I read once, that holding your breath can stop a panic attack. So when I kissed you, you held your breath."
—Lydia Martin (Teen Wolf)

It all happens incredibly fast.

My heart jolting.

My breathing coming to an abrupt half.

My lungs gasping for air.

The flashes.

The images of all the people I care about.



My parents.






The hot tingling feeling in my arms and legs.

The metallic taste of blood in my mouth.

The terror in my eyes.

The confusion in my head.

The pain of collapsing to the floor.

My lungs still trying to suck in oxygen.

The terrible agony in the pit of my stomach.

Feeling as if my head is going to explode.

Tyler's lips slamming against mine.

The unfamiliar, yet not at all bad, taste of his mouth pressed to mine.

The eruption of sparks in my stomach.

More confusion, but for a completely different reason.

The relief of feeling wonderful oxygen slip down my closed throat.

The trauma sliding away, replaced by refreshing breaths of cold air, staging my lungs in a good way.

Pulling away from Tyler and realizing he may have just saved my life with a kiss.

One that I hadn't wanted in the first place.

One that I don't regret at all.

One that makes me so much more frustrated with my feelings.

One that saves me from my panic attack.

How ironic.

"Why did you do that?" I choke, trying to calm my coughing fit.

He looks directly into my eyes, his bright blue ones wide with concern. "I—I watch this show where this girl saves this guy from a panic attack with a kiss. I—I kissed you."

"Oh." I breathe, my chest heaving. I'm so frustrated with how my heart is racing and how it has nothing to do with the panic attack. I'm mad at my mind for enjoying the kiss in an aspect other than not dying.

But most of all, I'm thankful that Tyler kissed me, for more than one reason.

It cleared my head and solved some of my questions, answering my doubts.

It gave me a few assurances for sure and made me realize some things.

Some good.

Some bad.

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