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I'm no longer confused, but don't tell anybody.
—Kayne West

"So you resigned because you were traumatized by what you saw in Afghanistan?"

I'm trying to clear everything up about Rixon's life, but his reasoning and his whole story is extremely complex.

He nods, almost ashamed. "Yes. I saw so much out there, Skylar, you can't imagine the things I witnessed. I thought I could do it, but I can't. I can not even go near a gun without freezing up, without my whole body trembling and my mind recapping my memories. It's awful that I have to give up what I used to love, but there are other things I've come to love."

I swear I see his eyes flick to Aaliyah, sound asleep on the couch next to him, her breathing as steady as can be. I am so relieved that she's okay, that she never has to know that Shawn almost died. Twice. In an 18 month time slot.

"Rix, can I ask you something?" Leah asks timidly, refusing to make eye contact.

"Of course. Anything."

"Can Shawn and Aaliyah live with you?"

Rixon looks up, shocked, and I choke on my own saliva. I know, gross right?

"What? Leah!" I protest, putting a hand on her arm. "Where did that come from?"

"Wait, what?" Rixon asks, his brown eyes wide as he stares at his sister.

"What is she talking about?" Sierra interjects.

Leah shrugs, her face tomato red. "I just thought—" she looks at me and decides to tell me everything. "Tyler told me that Shawn's having a lot of trouble taking care of Aaliyah on his own and that he needs help so he can have somewhat of a normal life. And since Rix left his job, I figured he could use someone to love. This way, Aaliyah can stay home during the day with Rix, and Shawn can go to school completely stress-free."

Everyone is quiet for a moment, processing her suggestion. I have to admit, she not only has a point, I actually love her idea.

I look to Rixon, who's face is unreadable. "Um..." He says quietly.

And as if on cue, Aaliyah stirs, her head lulling to rest on Rixon's knee. She yawns, snuggling closer to him and firmly wrapping her arms around his leg.

And that's all it takes. He does not even know Shawn, I don't think he's ever talked to him. But it doesn't matter.

Rixon lifts his head and he looks me dead in the eye. "How soon can Shawn get all of his stuff here?"


I run into Shawn's hospital room to find Tyler lying next to him, both of them silently looking up at the ceiling with interest.

"Busy?" I ask, suppressing a laugh. They both spring upright, frightened. I put my hands up in defense. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

They both relax, lying back down. "What's up, Sky?" Shawn asks, tucking his arms behind his head.

"This ugly ass hospital ceiling," I joke, grinning at Shawn.

That gets a small smile out of him, but Tyler frowns, out of the loop.

"Fill me in?" He asks, sitting up and leaning against the headboard so he can look at me directly.

I sit down between him and Shawn, a feeling of safety washing over me. "Of course." I answer.

Shawn grins. "Always."


It's so nice to see
All the folks you love together
Sittin' and talkin' 'bout
All the things that's been goin' down


"I think that went well." Rixon says, sending an easy smile my way.

I grin back at him, returning his happiness. "I'd say so."

We just pitched Leah's idea to Shawn and it actually went over awesomely. To start with, Shawn was beyond thrilled to see Leah, and they spent a whole catching up.

Then Shawn saw Rixon behind her and grinned, greeting him like an old friend. And then I was surprised to find out that Rixon and Shawn used to be friends when they lived on the same street as Leah, Jack and Nash. He hadn't known I was talking about the Reilly's when I told him Rixon was with Aaliyah. That explained why he was never hesitant to help Shawn in any way he could.

Shawn was then just as agreeable when we told him about the suggestion of new living arrangements. Of course, he was so relieved with the idea of having someone help with raising Aaliyah and he said he wouldn't rather anyone else. That brought a grin to Rixon's face and it was decided.

Shawn and his little sister would be moving in with Rixon.

We managed to pile everyone into Shawn's room at that point and it is now louder than a party at the zoo in the lion cage.

I stand outside with Rixon, trying to catch up in a semi-silent environment, but I can't help peeking in at my friends.

Shawn sits in his bed, looking healthy, some of the color returned to his once pale white face.

He's next to a laughing Tyler, who has Aaliyah on his lap, still fast asleep. It's amazing that the little bugger hasn't woken up yet.

The twins are squashed in the bedside recliner, but they are both smiling widely at whatever Tyler is laughing at—obviously something Nash said, the damn funny jokester, because his mischievous smirk says it all.

Jack glares at him in a playful way, and then lunges to tackle him onto the bed.

Leah is just sitting on the ground, staring up at Tyler with awe. She is so infatuated with him that I almost laugh at the sight of her fawning over him, watching intently as he laughs, showing off his famous lopsided grin.

I run around to face Rixon, who looks at my friends over my shoulder, the corners of his mouth tipping up.

"Thanks again, Rixon. For everything."

He shrugs. "It was nothing."

"No really," I say, putting a hand on his arms. "You saved us Rixon, and you're going to continue to save Shawn. He needs you and you're here for him. And you were so helpful with Aaliyah. I—I really appreciate everything you've done for us."

Rixon allows himself to accept the gratitude. "You're welcome, Skylar."

"You're gonna be a great dad some day." I don't know why I blurt it out, but I do.

He laughs whole heartedly. "I've heard that before."

I glance back at my friends to see them all in basically the same position. Laughing. It's a wonderful picture-perfect scene.

Rixon catches me watching them and his mouth twitches into a smile of admiration.

"You're a lucky kid, Skylar. You have an amazing group of friends," he tells me, gazing down into my eyes.

I smile at him as my heart seems to swell with love.

"Don't I ever."

For Better or For Worse (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now