Tagged Again!

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Hey guys, so I was tagged by ReyloMendes  thanks babe! I think I'm just supposed to do 13 random facts about myself, so here goes:

1) My favorite color is, and always will be, any shade of orange you can find on Earth. The brighter the better!
2) I have an enormous crush on Dylan O'Brien. Everything about him is utterly perfect: his laugh, his hair, his smile, his personality, his humor, and just his gentle, yet hyperactive nature. He Ana AMZING actor, and we all hope he fully recover. Love ya, Dylan!
3) I read 24/7. I cannot narrow it down to just one, but my favorite series are Maze Runner, Harry Potter, Hush Hush and anything by Alley Carter!! As weird as it may seem, I cannot read without listening to music, and I don't know why. Maybe it has to do with why I can't sit still during the day ✌🏼️
4) My all-time favorite TV show is Teen Wolf, as many of you know. It's amazing, everybody should watch it! Great actors. But it won't be the same without Stiles this season 😭 hang in there, Dylan, and good luck, Tyler!
5) My favorite bands are One Direction, The Script, The Fray, and Imagine Dragons.
6) My favorite singers are Shawn Mendes, Rachel Platten, Elton John, and Billy Joel.
7) I have two older brothers, three years older than me and six years older, and I love them both! I like being the youngest and the only girl, even when they team up to take me down! Love ya guys ❤️
8) I've always wanted to go to UCLA because all I have ever wanted to be is an actor, while playing basketball in college. I know, it's a tough dream, but I'll make it work. I also really wanna live in LA when I grow up.
9) My favorite dessert is every kind of cheesecake, too! It's addicting! ReyloMendes
10) I play three sports, basketball- I'm a point guard, soccer- I'm a goalie, and volleyball- I play everywhere, but my favorite is basketball🏀
10) I'd rather watch college basketball than the NBA any day. It's so much more of a real sport and a team game that I can learn from. Congratulations to the March Madness winners, Villanova. Ryan Arcidiacono, I love ya💚
11) I hate any form of Math and Social Studies, but I could sit in English or Physics all day!
12) I love writing, which I also can't do without music. I guess I hate quiet! I love creating characters and intense plots and I enjoy writing romance and adventure.
12) I took taekwondo for seven years, from age 3-10, and I was a second degree black belt when my dojo closed. I loved it and was really good at it, and my brothers worked where I used to take it, so it was one of my favorite things to do. But I don't do it anymore 😔
13) I love all of you guys reading this!

I'd like to tag the same people I tagged before in my previous tag, so go check it out to know if you're tagged.

I'll do it here too tho:


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