Seeing Him

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I fall in love too easily. I fall in love too fast. I fall in love too terribly hard.
—Chet Baker

I'm not quite sure what exactly set me off. I had just walked into Shawn's room, ignoring the horrible smells of death around me, the piercing screams of unsatisfied patients.

Tyler refused to step over the threshold, watching me squeeze Shawn's hand from a distance. Jack, Nash, Cam and Sierra stood next to me, all of us squished shoulder to shoulder to see Shawn.

"Shawn?" Cam whispered, his brown eyes frightened beyond what I'd ever seen them.

Jack's expression wasn't as happy as usual, dark circles forming under his tired eyes, his fatigue a strain on his high cheekbones. He looked pretty bad, but I didn't need to tell him that. "Shawn, are you awake?" He asked.

Shawn's eyes popped open, and he shot up in bed like a freaking pistol. And then, in one fluid motion, he flung his top half over the edge of the bed and hurled on the floor.

Sierra let out a soft shriek and jumped back, as did all the rest of us. "Oh, Shawn." Nash said softly, his blue eyes darting around. "We need a nurse in here!" He yelled, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tyler slip away from the doorway, maybe to leave, maybe to get help.

Jack was the first to step forward, putting a cautious hand on Shawn's shoulder. His chest heaved from such an intense puking session, but Jack wasn't nervous.

His touch was firm, pulling Shawn back onto the bed and tucking the sheets around him, whispering something in his ear.

Everyone else seemed to be doing something to aid Shawn, and there I was, standing like a statue, unable to move.

It was as if my legs were glued to the floor, my eyes stuck to the scene of horror in front of me.

And then it all happened at once.


Now I sit in the empty room next to Shawn's, waiting with my friends for the nurse to give us any update on his situation. I think about my almost panic attack, how Tyler managed to get me out of it alive.

I don't know where Tyler has gotten to, but I don't really have the energy to go looking for him again. I don't know how long we have been here, maybe 10 hours or so, just trying to decide what to do next.

Evidently, Shawn's surgery went very well, which helps to calm my nerves, but I'm still worried about him of course.

We all are.

As we sit in silence, a girl walks into the room, her curly brown hair flowing over her shoulders. She's short and extremely thin, although she's as beautiful as anyone I've ever seen.

At her entrance, Jack springs to his feet, staring at her with shock.

She twirls her hair nervously, rocking back on her heels. "Hey, Jack."

"What are you doing here?" He asks gently.

She refuses to make eye contact, so it comes as a surprise when she looks up and throws herself into Jack's open arms.

He's ready for her and embraces her harder than I've ever seen anyone hug, except maybe Shawn and myself.

"I heard about Shawn and had to come see him. It's been long enough."

"You should've called," Jack says, and my confusion peaks.

Who is this girl and how does she know my friends? I am getting slightly nervous, and a little suspicious, but I just watch the scene play out before me.

"Wake Nash for me, will ya?" She asks, nodding toward him.

Jack obeys and Nash has about the same reaction, ending in another tight embrace.

They talk for a few minutes, the girl managing to let a smile slip as Jack grins at her, for what reason I have no idea.

And then the girl's eyes lock with mine and her smile widens. "You must be Skylar."

I have no idea how she knows who I am, but I force a nod and a small friendly smile. "I'm sorry, I don't know who you are."

She laughs and comes over to shake my hand. "I'm Leah, one of Shawn's old friends. We did YouTube videos together when we were kids. I haven't seen him since he moved and I thought this was the perfect time, seeing as he's in the hospital and all."

I agree, but don't get a chance to respond before Tyler walks into the room, his head down.

Leah turns around to greet the new person, and her eyes lock on him. Everything silences, and Tyler seems to notice righty away; he looks up and his gaze lands on Leah.

They stare at each other for a good five seconds, just gazing intently into each other's eyes. It's cliche, but they both seem to be in a trance, frozen in their tracks.

And then my voice breaks the awkwardness. "Leah, this is my best friend, Tyler." I say it without hesitation, admitting it to myself for the first time in my life.

But it's true.

It'd be untrue to introduce him as my "friend." He is my best friend.

Tyler holds out his hand, and shakes Leah's absently. They both hold each other's stares, and then Tyler says, "It's nice to meet you."

Leah's smile is all too big for her face, but it brings about Tyler's lopsided grin, and I'm extremely relieved.

Leah sits next to him at his offer, and they launch into a conversation.

Jack raises his eyebrows at me and leans in to whisper in my ear. "This is gonna be good."

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