He's a Fighter

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This is my fight song. Take back my life song. Prove I'm alright song.
—Rachel Platten

We don't sit down while Tyler talks to Shawn. In Skylar Time, it's been hours. But in real life, it's been about twenty minutes. I wonder what could possibly be going on in there, how much they're talking about. I tap my foot anxiously, my stomach twisting and knotting.

I hope that Tyler is saying the right things and that Shawn is forgiving him, but at the same time, I'm worried about what I'm gonna say to him.

But I don't get much preparation time because Tyler steps through the doorway, a giant smile on his face. "Your turn Skylar."

Seeing Tyler grinning sends a rush of relief through my body, and a wave of calm settles in my head as I walk into Shawn's room.

He's sitting on the bed, exactly as I remember him. I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't to see Shawn leaning casually against the headboard, devouring a whole box of Special K cereal.

The sight sends a laugh into my mouth and I let it come out. It feels good, releasing a sign of happiness. I haven't laughed in forever and it's a nice change from the emotional roller coaster I was on the past four days.

Shawn looks up, and a brown curl falls onto his forehead. He swipes at it absently, but it just wisps back into place, slightly covering his left eye. His beauty once again hits me and I smile at him, thanking God for helping him recover.

"Hey, Shawn."

"Hey, Sky."

"What's up?" Really? I can't think of anything better to say?

And then he grins. "This ugly ass hospital ceiling."

I burst into tears, remembering the first time he was in this hospital, when his father had abused him. He had been in a coma for an abnormally long time and no one thought he was going to live. But by some miracle, my baby made it through it all.

Like I said, Shawn's a fighter.

"Oh, don't cry." He says, holding out his arms. I step into them and he rocks me back and forth, catching my sobs in his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so happy that you're okay." I feel bad, crying into him when he's the injured one, but I know Shawn doesn't mind. That's who he is; always giving and never needing to receive.

He cradles me until I stop trembling, and only then does he let go. "How did you guys find me here?" He asks, frowning at his hospital room.

"Rixon called my cell while I was at the library with Jack. We rushed here and called the others, except Tyler. He was already here."

"Rixon?" Shawn's confused face is adorable and I beam at him, touching his cheek.

"Officer Reilly. He's a police officer and he's staying at your apartment with Aaliyah for now."

"You left my little sister with a stranger?" Shawn asks.

I laugh slightly. "No, I know him. Fairly well actually. She's safe with him."

Shawn nods. "Thank you then."

I sit on the edge of his bed, thinking of how good Rixon was with little Aaliyah, and the smile on her face as he raced her to the car.

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